于曉平Yu, Hsiao-Ping洪曙天Hung, Shu-Tian2020-10-192022-01-222020-10-192020http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060409025E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/110366本研究以敘事研究的方式,敘說我-一位國小資優班初任教師,進入金門縣一間新設立的一般智能資優資源班,如何在一個與自身求學和生活背景相異甚大的環境下,實踐教師專業的歷程,以及我在實踐教師專業中的所見所感。 此敘事研究以教師專業實踐為主軸,透過修改自Labov的敘事架構,並以「四個書寫方向」和「心理位移法」,將我的教師專業實踐的每日工作日常記錄下來,形成文本。並從中梳理出敘事的軸線、構面和主題,形成七個篇章。 在「對著金門和未來好奇」中,闡述我敘事的動機跟我想找尋的問題;在「對著現況和過去好奇」裡,搜尋金門在地的教育現狀,以及教師專業實踐等內涵;「在好奇與敘說的路上,怎麼走才好」當中,幫助我自己更多理解敘事研究的意義和功能,以及如何進行「好的敘事」。 之後的篇章,可分為四大命題,分別是「理想、現況、反思、回顧」,依序描述著在金門這個環境中我與親、師、生互動的過程與想法;學生、老師、家長們提出的問題跟需求以及我的因應方式;而在我和這些群體互動後,我如何轉化過去的經驗及當下的挑戰,陸續在這個資優班實踐我的理想;最後回顧這一年的初任生涯,自己改變了什麼?誰也被我改變了?透過此研究過程的反思與建議與更多初任資優班教師分享。This narrative details how the author taught, for the first time, a newly established class of gifted students in an environment completely different from the author’s own educational experience and background, and provides the author’s observations and reflections during this professional practice. This narrative research focuses on professional teacher practice on the basis of a principle adapted from Labov’s narrative structure. The author recorded his professional daily experiences, analyzed the records by using approaches such as the four narrative directions and psychological displacement, and further categorized the records into seven articles according to their narrative axis, dimension, and theme. Curiosity about Kinmen and Its Future described the author’s motivation and doubts, whereas Curiosity about the Present and Past explored the current education situation in Kinmen and the connotations of teachers’ professional practice. In How to Proceed on the Combined Path of Curiosity and Narrative, the author gained deeper comprehension of the meaning and function of narrative research and the concept of what makes an exceptional narrative. The remaining articles consisted of four propositions, namely ideals, the current situation, reflections, and reviews, which depicted the following four ideas respectively: the process and thoughts on the parent–teacher–student interaction in Kinmen; the questions and demands raised by students, teachers, and parents and the author’s coping methods; how the author transformed his experiences and current challenges to practice his ideals in the gifted class after interacting with the students, parents, and teachers; and reflection on the first year as a teacher: what changed, and who changed? The author anticipates sharing the reflections and suggestions presented in this paper with more teachers starting to teach gifted classes.敘事研究資優班初任教師金門資優教育教師專業實踐narrative researchnew teacher of gifted classesKinmen gifted educationteachers’ professional practice一位金門縣國小資優班初任教師專業實踐歷程之敘事研究The Narrative Research of Professional Practice of Primary Gifted Class Teacher in Kinmen County