賴慈芸Dr. Tzu-yun Lai葛窈君Yeau-jiun Ger2019-09-032005-08-022019-09-032005http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0069125009%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/95889本論文從描述翻譯學出發,以《大亨小傳》及其六個中譯本為研究對象,目標為探求譯本間的共性,並進一步尋找及建立可供翻譯批評依循的標準,最終是希望這些共性與標準,可以成為指導翻譯實際的準則。 論文內容分為六章:第一章介紹翻譯學的架構、描述翻譯學與其他分支之間的關係,以及本論文的研究語料,第二章則是文獻探討。第三章是翻譯單位的探索,第四章是標點符號與字數的分析及統計;第三及第四這兩章屬於譯文共性的探索,描述翻譯成果所呈現的現象。第五章及第六章進入翻譯標準的探索,第五章以標點符號及句構做為檢驗譯文的工具,並由筆者試譯驗證以句構做為翻譯標準的可行性;第六章則是透過訪談,尋找譯作的把關人——編輯共同的審稿標準。最後第七章是綜合分析及後續研究建議。This thesis starts from a descriptive point of view to explore the universals of translations, and then moves on to the realm of translation criticism, trying to establish a useful and predictive tool for examining translations, and to describe present translation norms in English-Chinese translation. This thesis is divided into seven chapters. Chapter 1 introduces the framework of translation studies, and the relationship between different branches of translation studies. Also included in Chapter 1 is a brief introduction of the materials studied in this thesis, which are The Great Gatsby and six different Chinese translations. Chapter 2 is a review of related literatures. Chapter 3 discusses the basic translation unit and the principles abided by the six translators. Chapter 4 calculates and analyzes the number of words and different punctuation marks. These two chapters aim at the universals of translations. Chapter 5 tracks the syntactic movement of the six translations and proves that syntax can be both a criterion in translation criticism and a rule to follow in translating. Chapter 6 interviews 5 editors and finds out how these editors select and revise translations. These two chapters try to find the norms in translation and translating. The last chapter, Chapter 7, sums up previous chapters and provides some suggestions for further studies.描述翻譯學翻譯批評共性翻譯單位標點符號句構翻譯標準大亨小傳descriptive translation studiestranslation universalstranslation normstranslation unitpunctuationsyntactic movementsyntaxThe Great Gatsby《大亨小傳》六種中譯本之比較與評論A Descriptive Comparison and Commentary of The Great Gatsby