周遵儒CHOU TZREN-RU黃郁芳HUANG YU-FANG2019-09-04不公開2019-09-042010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0697720198%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/99802本研究設計、開發與實作一個結合文創藝術內容、數位遊戲和互動科技的互動遊戲裝置「布拉尤 The Adventure of Brayo」。布拉尤是以臺灣原住民題材為遊戲主題,並以XBOX360主機為運作平台、自製無線感測設備為遊戲操作之把手,讓玩家們以人體動作揮舞之方式下達遊戲指令,操作角色進行遊戲。不同於傳統玩家單人透過網路與他人進行虛擬之互動,本研究安排多位玩家於同一現場操作裝置,進行面對面的即時性互動。藉由其互動操作方式與故事腳本設計,玩家之間得以透過肢體互動和意見溝通進行合作,以完成遊戲任務,進而達成人際互動。本研究除了整合人文、科技、藝術和娛樂等多種領域進行實作外,並加入深度訪談法,參照原住民內容、數位遊戲和心理學領域之專家建議和回饋,進行分析與探討,修正整體研究架構與改良本互動遊戲裝置。最終完成裝置之實作,並歸納出本裝置未來之推廣發展,可應用於數位遊戲產業、心理諮商輔導工具、數位學習教材或是博物館數位導覽等方向。This study is attempted to design an interactive gaming device of humanities artistic content, digital game and interactive technology, which is named” The Adventure of Brayo”. The platform is based on XBOX360, and controlled by wireless sensor devices. It can let the players control the characters of the game by waving their bodies. Unlike the traditional game, players interact with other through the network on their own. This study is providing people to do real-time but face to face interaction. Through the interactive way to control the game and the design of story, the players can improve interpersonal interaction by body contact and communication. The purpose is to pursue the new possibilities of interactive forms, in order to achieve the effect of Play Therapy. This study completes the implementation which combines technology, humanities, arts and entertainment. The study also interviews some experts to check the feedback of the study. In the end, the device can be put in use of digital game industry, counseling tools, e-learning material, museum digital guide or other digital direction.互動裝置多人即時互動多人即時互動人際互動原住民內容interactive devicedigital gameLocal Multi-player Co-op Play Gameinterpersonal interactionaboriginal content現場多人互動遊戲設計與實作 ─以「布拉尤」遊戲製作為例A Study on the Development of Local Multi-player Co-op Play Game:a case study of “The Adventure of Brayo”