郭靜姿Kuo, Ching-Chih洪瑋鍾Hung, Wei-Chung2022-06-082022-02-082022-06-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/c9c33eb35849bfa7cdbaf3bfe126d350/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/118045在現代快速變遷的社會中,能有創新的思維解決現實生活狀況與職業技術面臨的難題,是非常重要的。技職才能優異的學生即是執行此項任務的關鍵角色。如何培養技職才能優異學生的卓越技術與創造力是當今資優教育面臨的課題之一。本研究期望透過CPS教學模式之充實方案培育食品加工領域之技職才能優異學生的技術創造力。本研究採用混合研究法,蒐集參與充實方案學生之質性檔案評量、教學觀察、半結構訪談資料以及量化作品評比分數、威廉斯創造性傾向量表分數,分別探討技術創造力中專業技術、創造表現與創造動機的提升情形。研究結果顯示:(1)參與者能夠展現出中上的冰淇淋專業技術;(2)參與者在創造表現上能夠運用出水平思考法在當前的任務中;在其作品中亦能有獨創、精緻等創造力面向的展現;(3)在創造動機方面以威廉斯創造應傾向量表為工具進行前測及後測,實驗組之後測顯著高於控制組;(4)參與者能從方案中獲得團隊合作等副學習內容。本研究建議後續研究、教育現場能持續發展對技職才能優異學生之鑑定、評量工具與多元介入方式。In the rapidly changing modern society, it’s important to have a creative thinking ability which can apply in real-life situations and solve technical problems. Vocational talented students are the key persons who are meant to do these tasks. How to nurture vocational talented students is one of issues that gifted/talented education now face with. The purpose of the current study was to foster technical creativity of food processing to talented students by using CPS Teaching Model in the Enrichment Program. Mixed methods research design was constructed in the present study. Both Qualitative data, which including portfolio, teaching observation, and semi-structural interview, and quantitative data, which including product rating scale and “Exercise in Divergent thinking” in Creativity Assessment Packet, were collected to investigate the promotion of technical skill, creative performance and creative motivation. The results revealed that participants: (a) showed mid-high technical skill of ice cream making, (b) could utilize lateral thing in their CPS tasks and perform originality and elaboration in their products, (c) Showed higher creative motivation than control group while Exercise in Divergent thinking was conducted, and (d) acquired associate learning such as team-work skill. The study suggested that adopting more researches, developing identification model of vocational gifted students constructing assessment tools, and providing more enrichment activities for vocational talented students.創造性問題解決技職才能優異技術創造力CPSenrichmentvocational talentedtechnical creativity運用CPS教學模式於技職才能優異學生充實方案之試探性研究A Preliminary Study by Using CPS Teaching Model in the Enrichment Program of Vocational Talented Students學術論文