張茹茵Ju-Ying Chang2020-09-032020-09-032019-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/109269本研究探討發展遲緩兒童感覺整合發展與粗大動作品質表現、感覺整合發展分群趨勢及不同分群粗大動作品質表現差異,瞭解各分群感覺整合發展與粗大動作品質間相關性。共82 位發展遲緩兒童完成幼兒感覺發展檢核表及學前兒童粗大動作品質量表評量。運用描述性統計、感覺整合發展分數做二階段集群分析,得二個最佳集群分組;以曼惠二氏U 檢定法檢驗不同集群粗大動作品質差異、皮爾森相關分析檢驗各集群感覺整合發展與粗大動作品質關係。結果顯示:一、發展遲緩兒童感覺整合發展約有四成落於失常範圍,粗大動作品質約有五成處發展遲緩範圍;二、感覺整合發展可分常態發展與發展失常二集群,常態發展群之粗大動作品質顯著較發展失常群佳;三、發展失常群部分粗大動作品質與感覺整合發展相關,常態發展群之粗大動作品質與感覺整合發展表現未見相關性。綜而言之,本研究探析發展遲緩兒童感覺整合發展分群,並建議對感覺整合發展失常者進行適當感覺發展訓練,以有助於粗大動作品質表現。The purpose of this study were to understand sensory integration and gross-motorquality in the children with developmental delay (DD), to investigate whether clusters ofsensory integration could be identified, and to demonstrate the characteristics of clusters.A total of 82 of children with DD completed the Preschooler Gross Motor Quality Scale(PGMQS) and the caregiver’s ratings on the Sensory Integration (SI) Checklist werecollected. Two-step cluster analysis was used to identify SI-based DD clusters basedon standard scores of the SI Checklist. Mann-Whitney U tests were used to comparemeasures on PGMQS between two clusters, and Pearson's correlation coefficients wereused to explore whether the characteristics of SI was associated with the gross motorquality. The results revealed that nearly 40% of the DD are classified as impaired SI, andmore than 50% of the DD demonstrate delay in gross motor quality. A two-cluster modelbest fit the SI checklist dataset. One group indicated normal SI functioning, whereasthe other demonstrated SI dysfunction. Group difference analyses showed that DD withnormal SI functioning performed significantly better on gross motor quality. For the DDwith SI dysfunction, significant relationships between SI Checklist and PFMQS werealso found. It was concluded that appropriate SI interventions may help to improve grossmotor quality for children with developmental delay.發展遲緩兒童感覺發展粗大動作品質developmental delaysensory integrationgross motor quality感覺整合發展對發展遲緩兒童粗大動作品質表現之影響The Role of Sensory Integration in Gross Motor Qualityin Children with Developmental Delay