賀安娟Ann Heylen吳佳芸Wu, Chia-Yun2019-08-292020-08-262019-08-292015http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060026014L%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/93144日本治台五十年,至今都可以看出,不管是生活習慣、抑或是語言,在各方面對於台灣都有所影響。而台灣的西式教育制度,更是在日治時期建立完備的。本論文透過史料的運用,書寫日治初期教育的開端及發展,透過對於台灣人教育制度的確立,重現出當初日治時期治台之初,台灣的教育與宗教的面貌。而本文除了教育以外,更是與宗教連結,其研究中心之清水巖祖師廟,身為一座具有悠久歷史的廟宇,經歷了時代的變遷以及當政者的轉移,其受到的影響及改變。其中,尤以日治時期的清水祖師廟做為中心,探討其歷史發展及與教育之關聯。除了宗教與教育之間的關聯性書寫,也同時回顧了當時對於廟宇發展得資料,從中可以窺探,在當時的社會之中,廟宇與教育之間,是如何被紀錄以及評斷地。藉由總督府的政策以及其相關文獻,爬梳出日治時期之中,廟宇與教育之間的關聯性,以其再次確定廟宇對於教育的貢獻、並且再次驗證其重要性。筆者期望透過教育與宗教的結合研究,作為一個新的視角,且提供研究清水祖師廟一個新的面向。In Taiwan ,we are affected by Japanese culture, including the habit、culture、even languages. The most reason is we passing 50 years of Japanese Colonial Periods. However, the colonial period not only gave us awful memories, but also made something new in Taiwan. This thesis is focus on the new education system in Taiwan, and how it connects within the traditional religious. From1895, Japanese Colonial Period is starting. First time they come to Taiwan and have no idea to govern this place. Instead of different culture, the government needs to solute the biggest problem-language gap. As a result, they positively build language school, also borrow the traditional temple to be their temporary school. Not only the language school, but also the elementary school for Taiwanese and other middle education institution, the first stage of Taiwanese new education system, is opening by the traditional temple, and combined with the religious place. Qinshui Temple is one of the most long history temples in Taiwan, it built in Qin destiny, now still in Taipei Wanhua. This thesis is investigating the relationship between the normal religion(the traditional temple) and the first step education during the Japanese Colonial Period. Using historical data and interviewing, we can know the society and the education in the past, and also, confirm the connection between the tradition and education.清水祖師廟日治時期教育日日新報Qinshui templeJapanese Colonial Periodeducation論日治時期的宗教與教育之關聯性—以艋舺清水巖祖師廟為中心The related of religion and the education-Focus on Qinshui temple during Japanese Colonial Period