何青蓉2014-10-272014-10-272003-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/19007基於多元文化教育觀點,筆者與輔英科技大學劉美芳講師自2002年8月到12月於高雄新興社區大學開設兩門課:「異國婚姻與文化再體驗:與本地居民共同學習」和「文化之旅:傾聽外籍婦女(新娘)的聲音」,目的在透過學員的對話與互動,促進彼此跨文化的理解,進而增進其多元文化素養。參與的學員有本地婦女十名和跨國婚姻婦女十三名。課程與教學設計係採行動研究法;運用小組討論、角色扮演和繪畫等方法進行;內容包括:社會文化觀察、語言的迷失、原鄉經驗、認識高雄,以及婚姻法律等。本文分析討論這兩門課實踐經驗,從而提出四項跨國婚姻移民教育核心課題:其一為就社會環境脈絡理解移民者的特性與學習需求;其二為破除以跨國婚姻婦女為唯一教育對象;其三為課程與教學須展現出文化的相關性;其四為教育工作者須具備理解並尊重多元與差異的文化素養。In order to promote cross-cultural understanding and enhance multicultural sensitivities, the author and a lecturer offered two courses—“Traveling across Cultures: Learning with Immigrant Brides ”and“ Experiencing Cultures and Marriages of Different Countries: Learning with Local People”—in Kaohsiung Hsin-hsing Community University during the second half of 2002. These courses were designed and taught according to an action research method. 10 local women and 13 foreign brides enrolled, and group discussion, role- playing, video viewing, and free drawing were used to facilitate participants' learning. The course contents included: issues regarding the understanding of cultural differences, getting lost in different languages, life experiences in the motherland, exploration of the Kaohsiung community, and interethnic-marriage related rules and regulations. This study analyzed and discussed the author's teaching experiences in the two courses. Four core issues of any educational program for interethnic-marriage immigrants in Taiwan were raised: First, it is necessary to understand these immigrants' characteristics and learning needs within the broader social context. Second, the target population for“immigrant education” should not include only immigrants. Third, all curricula and methods of instruction should be culturally relevant. Fourth, educators should have a certain degree of cultural literacy, that is, be able to appreciate and respect cultural diversities and differences.跨國婚姻移民多元文化教育Interethnic marriageImmigrantsMulticultural education跨國婚姻移民教育的核心課題Core Issues of Educational Programs for Interethnic-Marriage Immigrants: Reflections on an Action Research Experience