羅婉娥古明峰曾文志Wan-E LoMing-Feng GuuWen-Chih Tseng2014-10-272014-10-272013-03-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/11310現今青少年情緒困擾與行為問題嚴重,一項重要因素為經驗較多的負向情緒,造成負向系統的活化,進而對生活各層面產生負向影響。本研究旨在設計一套提升正向情緒技巧的實驗課程,並檢視其對國中生生活適應的成效。研究對象為桃園縣某國中九年級8個班144名學生,採不等組(實驗組、對照組)前、後及追蹤測之準實驗設計,並以中學生生活適應量表及正向與負向情感量表作為課程成效的評估工具。研究結果顯示,接受過為期六週的正向情緒課程之實驗組學生,在生活適應的後測得分上顯著優於接受一般綜合活動課程的對照組學生;且在教學結束後三週所進行的追蹤測上,實驗組的生活適應仍優於對照組。但情感量表的分析結果顯示,正向情緒課程與一般綜合活動課程對於正向情感的影響並沒有顯著差異,不過實驗組與對照組的情感平衡得分(正向情感減負向情感),則在後測與追蹤測上均有顯著差異。本研究文末提出正向情緒課程在教育上的應用價值與對未來研究的建議。Emotional disturbances have become a serious problem among adolescents in recent years. Negative emotional patterns generated by negative experiences influence various aspects of the youths' life. In this study, we developed a six-week experimental course using techniques to enhance positive emotions and then measured its effectiveness in improving the emotional intelligence and life-skills of junior high school students. Participants were 144 ninth-grade students at a junior high school in Taoyuan County, Taiwan. They were divided into an experimental group and a control group with pre- and post-tests administered, along with a follow-up test. The effectiveness of the course was evaluated through measures of life adaptability and positive/negative emotions.The students in the experimental group participated in a six-week positive-emotion course, while those in the control group participated in a course with integrated Common activities. Students in the experimental group had higher scores on the life-adaptability post-test than did students in the control group. This pattern of results was similar for the follow-up test three weeks after the conclusion of the courses. However, no significant difference was found on positive emotions measured by the positive/negative emotional scale. Yet, in both the post- and follow-up tests, those in the experimental group had higher scores on emotional balance (positive emotions minus negative emotions). This paper concludes with a discussion of the value this emotional training course has in contemporary education, and offers suggestions for future research.正向情緒生活適應情緒教育國中生emotional educationjunior high school studentslife adjustmentpositive emotion正向情緒課程對國中生生活適應及情感狀態效果之研究Examining an Experimental Emotional Training Course for Junior High School Students