吳文星岩村益典2019-09-032010-8-262019-09-032010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0890220082%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/95544政府專賣制度向來都是挹注財政的重要手段。日治時期台灣所實施的酒類專賣,為總督田健治郎推動各項新政和建設提供所需財源。然而,1922年起所推動之酒類專賣,一開始並不具普遍性與一般性,其中,啤酒作為酒類項目之一,並未與其他酒類同時實施專賣,1933年才正式實施,且實施方式採收購專賣,異於本地酒類採製造專賣。顯示日治時期台灣之啤酒專賣,有其獨特性。 本論文藉由台灣當時所推動之酒類專賣制度,究明日治時期日本及台灣釀酒產業發展歷程,以及私人產業與政府在專賣制度上的競合關係,尤其是探究當時啤酒延後實施專賣之原因、影響啤酒專賣制度之因素,進而探討啤酒專賣在當時台灣財政收入上所扮演之角色,以及對戰時台灣人民生活所帶來之影響。Government monopoly has always been a vital means to increase government revenue. The monopoly of liquor in Taiwan during the Japanese occupation plays an important role in providing financial resources which helped promote many new reforms and development brought up by Den Kenjiro, the Governor-General of Taiwan. However, the monopoly of liquor was not generalized in the beginning in 1922. For example, as a separated item, beer was not monopolized simultaneously with other kinds of liquors. Besides, the monopolization of beer was started in 1933 and was actually conducted in the same manner of imported liquors, which was monopolized by the government by product procurement. It shows that monopoly of beer during the Japanese occupation is rather unique. By researching the monopoly of beer in Taiwan, the development of Japanese and Taiwanese brewery industries during Japanese occupation, the relationship between the private enterprises and the government, this study aims to investigate the reasons why beer was monopolized in a later period and the factors which influenced the institutional design of beer monopoly. Moreover, this paper probes into the role of beer monopoly on Taiwan government revenue and its influences over Taiwanese people’s life.專賣啤酒酒類專賣局日治時期日治時期臺灣啤酒專賣之研究