國立臺灣師範大學英語學系畢永峨林至誠謝舒凱陳乃嫻吳靜蘭陳昭珍李臻儀2015-01-292015-01-292009/06-20http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/44403詞彙研究已經成為跨學門的重要研究主題之一,國立台灣師範大學英語 系欲建立一個完整典藏詞彙語意學研究的圖書資料庫,以增進該學門的研究及 學術訓練。本案就圖書的典藏價值、特色、國內需求情形、所要達成的指標, 以及購置圖書後永續經營與推廣服務及促進資源流通共享之規劃皆有詳細說 明。 我們將以二年期之時程規劃此一購書計畫。第一年的主體目標有三:一是 整理詞彙語意學與相關領域的理論與實務相關書籍,尤其是關於lexicology 及 lexicography 之圖書,以及重要的字辭典,並依照分類架構逐步購買、編目、典 藏、外借與推廣;二是補齊目前台灣師大圖書館重要詞彙語意學理論與實務相 關叢書及期刊的重要缺漏卷期;三是透過學術人脈與圖書館、出版商網絡,查 詢稀有書籍的書源、估價以及購買管道。經由密集的學者討論與高效率的行政 支援,我們預計在第一年的時間可以購置到主要的書籍。第二年的目標有五: 其一在完成罕見、絕版典籍的蒐羅與典藏;其二則是以蒐集詞彙語意學領域有 前瞻性、新興研究趨勢與議題的突破性文獻為重點,例如由近幾年出版的博士 論文等,做為指引國內詞彙語意學研究的風向球;其三則是蒐集語言學各領域互 動介面(interface)與詞彙語意學相關的著作;其四將更廣泛徵詢國內語言學領 域的學者們,除了已經列入購置的書單外,是否尚有其他遺珠之憾亟待補齊; 其五則是蒐集以非英語撰寫的詞彙語意學的相關著作。計劃中之一般書籍應可 在一年期程中完成購置,相關支援之硬體設備,及軟體層面之擴大藏書流通借 閱計劃,亦可於一年期程中調整、增設完畢。至於已經絕版的相關書籍、具前 瞻性之書籍則需要於第一年彙整,第二年著手購買,故本計劃預定以兩年的時 間完成。The study of lexical semantics is one of the most important topics in crossdisciplinary research. The Department of English at National Taiwan Normal University wishes to set up a complete collection of lexical semantic publication to enhance the research and academic training. The proposal gives a detailed account of the domestic demand on the books, the value and characteristics of the to-be-purchased books, the targets to be reached, as well as the sustainable management and extended services and the promotion of the resources. We have planned a two-year project. The first year has three main objectives: First, we will collect the literature on the relevant theoretical and practical books, especially on lexicology and lexicography as well as the important dictionaries. We will also purchase, catalogue, reserve, lend, and promote the collection in accordance with the categories of the works. Second, we will fill the gaps in the issues of relevant journals and classic books at the university library. Third, we will query the sources and prices of rare books through academic network, libraries, and publishers. Through intensive discussion with scholars and the administrative support, we expect to get hold of the major books in the first year. The second year has five main objectives: First, we will complete the collection of rare, out-of-print books. Second, we will focus on ground-breaking works in emerging trends and of great vision, e.g. the latest doctoral theses, as guidelines of future research. Third, we will collect works in interface with lexical semantics. Fourth, we will do more extensive consultation with domestic linguistics scholars, whether there are other works worth to be collected. Fifth, we will collect relevant books written in languages other than English. The general plan should be completed in the first year. The setting-up of the supportive hardware and circulation system will also be adjusted and completed in the first year. The out-of-print and ground-breaking books will be surveyed in the first year and collected in the second year. The whole project is scheduled to be completed within two years.補助人文及社會科學研究圖書計畫規劃主題---詞彙語意學Lexical Semantics