邱滿艷Cuiu, Man-yen陳美利Chen, Mei-Li2019-08-282010-8-292019-08-282010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0693170046%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/89360本研究採用質性研究方法,深入探究三名高職輕度智能障礙畢業生,其求職與職場適應歷程的樣貌。資料蒐集主要是透過職場現場觀察和訪談的方式,與十六名研究參與者進行互動,共為期五個月。 經過資料蒐集、分析與詮釋,研究者先分別呈現三位高職輕度智能障礙畢業生的就業的歷程,進一步再提出共同的核心議題進行討論,研究的主要發現分求職與職場適應歷程說明如下: 一、輕度智能障礙畢業生的求職歷程,呈現出以搭配個人狀況為主的支持歷程。歷程中,主要受到個人因素如特質、背景與信念、個人受到支持的狀況、以及貫穿於整個職業適應歷程中有關個人障礙身份隱藏或揭露的議題等三方面的影響特別明顯。 二、輕度智能障礙畢業生的職場適應歷程,呈現出個人在職場環境中歷經不斷磨合的歷程。而影響歷程的主要關鍵是來自個人與環境的契合度、有無職業重建系統資源的協助、以及高職特教班導師角色資源的連結等三大因素。 整體而言,高職輕度智能障礙畢業生職業適應的歷程,深受「個人因素」、「環境支持」的影響。各項環境中能否提供智能障礙畢業生參與職場就業與支持的機會,將會建構出不一樣的求職及職場適應歷程的樣貌來。This qualitative study exploded the process of employment of three adult graduates with mild intellectual disability in vocation high school. The data were collected within five months through participation observation and deep-interviewing with 16 participants who are co-researchers, parents or important others, employers, homeroom teachers, co-workers, and job coaches. The findings are divided into two core themes to describe as follows: 1. In the process of job seeking, adult graduates with mild intellectual disability were influenced obviously by individual factors (such as trait, background, and belief), the level of a variety of support, and the disclosure issue of disability. 2. The process of job adjustment, adult graduates with mild intellectual disability had to compromise with their environment continuously. The influences resulted from three key points, which were the matching between individual and workplace, the using of vocational rehabilitation resource, and the resource linking of homeroom teacher in vocational high school. In conclusion, there will be a diversity of features in the process of employment of adult graduates with mild intellectual disability. It depends on the interaction relationships between individual factors and the support in environment.就業歷程輕度智能障礙畢業生高職特殊教育班質性研究the process of employmentadult graduates with mild intellectual disabilityspecial education in vocational high schoolqualitative study高職輕度智能障礙畢業生就業歷程之研究The Process of Employment of Adult Graduates with Mild Intellectual Disability in Vocational High School