Tsin-fu Chuang2014-10-272014-10-271967-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/6852The effect of temperature on cesium-137 metabolism in the oriental cockroach, Blatta orientalis, was studied. Adult and nymphal animals were fed cesium-137 to investig8te the biological half-time, excretion rate, retention curve and distribution of the isotope among the body tissues. Metabolic rate studies at different temperatures showed an exponentialrelationship between oxygen consumption and temperature. The Q10 was 2.56 for adults and 2.20 for nymyhs in the lO°C-35°C range. Cesium-137 elimination rate increased as environmental temperature increased. The QIO for cesium-137 limination was constant (1.2) over the 15°-35°C range and greatly increased over the 10°C-15C range (2.05 and 16.4). The gut had a high concentration of cesium-137. Concentrations in the cuticle, as well as in other tissues or organs examined were very similar.Cesium-137 Metabolism by Blatta Orientalis in Various Thermal Environments