林竹茂Lin, Chu Mao陳一中Chen Yi-Chung2019-09-052005-7-312019-09-052005http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G00T0041013%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/104873本研究主要目的是在瞭解我國高中甲級籃球教練領導行為與領導效能之現況內涵; 並比較不同背景變項之教練在領導行為構面與領導效能構面之差異;同時探討其教練領導行為是否對領導效能具有預測力。本研究對象為參加 92學年度高級中等學校籃球甲級聯賽(HBL ),並獲得前八強之男子選手,共196位,並以綜合之「我國高中甲級籃球教練領導行為與領導效能相互關係研究調查問卷」做為研究工具,實施問卷調查。回收問卷以描述性統計、 t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關分析、逐步迴歸分析之統計方法後,獲得以下結論: 一、目前我國高中甲級籃球選手知覺教練領導行為,以「訓練與指導」行為之得分為最高,而以「專制」行為的得分為最低,而「回饋或獎勵」、「社會支持」、「民主」行為之教練領導行為所出現的頻率,是介於偶而與經常之間。在教練領導效能方面,在「滿意度」及「凝聚力」構面上皆有不錯之教練領導行為表現。 二、目前我國高中甲級籃球教練的領導行為,女性在「訓練與指導」、「民主」、「社會支持」和「回饋或獎勵」四個構面的表現顯著高於男性;在「訓練與指導」、「社會支持」及「回饋與獎勵」構面上,會因教練年齡不同而有所差異的領導行為;擔任教練年資之不同,在領導行為的五個構面上,也會有不同的領導行為表現;而畢業於大學院校的教練,在「社會支持」、「回饋或獎勵」二個構面的表現顯著高於畢業於研究所的教練,另畢業於研究所的教練展現出較為顯著的「專制」行為;學校專任教練在「回饋與獎勵」構面上,表現顯著高於體育教師兼任教練。 三、目前我國高中甲級籃球教練的領導效能,不會因性別、年齡、教練年資、學歷、職稱不同而有所差異;而不同獲得最佳成績的教練領導效能,在「滿意度」及「凝聚力」二個構面上,也皆沒有顯著差異存在。 四、我國高中甲級籃球教練在領導行為與領導效能各構面間之相關係數,均達顯著差異。能有效預測領導效能的變項因子,只有「訓練與指導」與「專制」兩個構面,「專制」Beta值為負號。 根據研究發現所獲得之結論,提出幾項建議,以供目前及未來我國從事籃球運動指導工作、經營團隊與後續從事相關研究者參考。 關鍵字:高中甲級籃球教練、領導行為、領導效能The purpose of this study was to comprehend the present situation connotation between Taiwan’s senior high school Division A basketball coaches’ leadership behaviors and leadership effectiveness. It would also compare the different backgrounds coaches in varied structural facets with coaches’ leadership behaviors and leadership effectiveness. Meanwhile, this research would examine that if coaches’ leadership behaviors and leadership effectiveness had the prediction or not. The study subjects were the 196 male athletes who won the first eight teams by The 92th High School Basketball League (HBL). The study materials are the questionnaires of “ The Research Questionnaires of the Relationship of basketball Coaches’ Leadership Behavior and Leadership Effectiveness to Senior High School Division A in Taiwan.”. From the retrieving questionnaires of “ descriptive statistic”, “ t-test”, “ one-way ANOVA”, “ Pearson product-moment correlation”, “ stepwise regression analysis” gets the following conclusions: First, nowadays among the senior high school Division A basketball players’ awareness of the coaches’ leadership behaviors show that the behavior of “training and directing” gets the highest grades. Moreover, the behavior of “autocratic behavior ” gets the lowest ones. And the frequencies of coach’s leadership behaviors “feedback and reward”, “social support ”, ” democracy” is between sometimes and often. In coaches’ leadership effectiveness aspects, the “satisfaction degree” and “coherence” facets also have terrific coach’s leadership behavior expression. Second, nowadays the female basketball coaches, who come from high school Division A, get obviously higher scores than male basketball coaches among the facets of “ training and directing”, “ democracy ”, “social support” and “feedback or award”. In the facets of “training and directing”, “ social support”, and “ feedback or reward”, the coaches have different leadership behaviors for different ages. The five structural facets of leadership behaviors also have different leadership behaviors due to different serving the post of high school Division A coaches’ experiences. The coaches, who graduated from university, get higher scores than the coaches, who graduated from research institutes, in “social support” and “feedback or reward” facets. Otherwise the graduated coaches show more obvious autocratic behaviors. The coaches, who work as full-time high school Division A basketball teams, get higher scores than the ones who works as part time. Third, at present, it doesn’t have obvious different for senior high school Division A basketball coaches’ leadership effectiveness in gender, age, coach’s working experiences, the record of formal schooling, post. Moreover, in these two facets “satisfaction” and “coherence”, the leadership effectiveness of acquiring the best score’s coaches, doesn’t have obvious different, either. Forth, take the senior high school Division A basketball coaches for speaking, the facets of the relative coefficients between leadership behaviors and leadership effectiveness, all show obvious different. The changeable factors which can effectively predict leadership effectiveness only by “ training and directing ” and “autocratic behaviors”. “Autocratic” Beta value is a negative sign. According to this research’s conclusion, I have provided some suggestions. Hoping that they could be useful for basketball sport directors, operating teams and devoting relative researchers nowadays and in the future. Keywords: high school Division A basketball coaches, leadership behavior, leadership effectiveness.高中甲級籃球教練領導行為領導效能high school Division A basketball coachesleadership behaviorleadership effectiveness我國高中甲級籃球教練領導行為與領導效能相互關係研究A Study of Relation between Basketball Coach’s Leadership Behavior and Leadership effectiveness to Senior High School Division A in Taiwan