莊連東Zhuang, Lain-Dong陳美吟Chen, Mei-Yin2020-12-102019-12-012020-12-102019http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0005603118%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/114431此研究是以「虛」、「白」、「出新」為主題,探討筆者自進入研究所階段2016年到2019年間,經過學習檢視過往的脈絡以及創作歷程,透過繪畫的自省與創造再次面對生命課題,本研究第一章從一開始不能理解何時是生命的終點?到接受生命也有起承轉合,書畫是陪伴筆者也是心情抒發與轉化的窗口,藉創作過程觸及生活中所有情緒色彩的潛在層次,從而由我們現存的狀態釋放情緒的能量。第二章從莊子人間世篇「心齋」中,「虛室生白」,人間之道觀念談起;及「虛」-空、無、陰柔之美;和「白」-純淨、道的力量。經由研究傳統觀念的築基過程中,思想的改變再連結當代思維產生質變,第三章是創作理念與實踐,作品創作內容以生長土地上的白花作為串連元素,及創作與名家作品對應。經過直觀的寫生寫實的「直觀系列」;到打開心門連接室內、室外的寫心寫情,到打開心內的門窗的「窗系列」;最後是經過不同方式的想法、紙材、抽離物象的寫生、經過不同方法的嘗試、思想的融合,重新思考轉化運用到水墨創作。 以老莊、太極、佛學、美學觀念、前人的智慧作為創作思想的根基,以水墨創作方式重新架構新的畫面空間,回歸內在的探索,再進一步連接人與人、人與自然間哪種和諧共處的關係,並藉由畫面傳達對美的追求。The topic of the thesis is ‘Emptiness, Purity and Transformation’ which represents the artist’s personal growth in graduate school during 2016 to 2019. Through the study, the artist re-examined her past and creative process, as well as reorganized life issues through learning and creation. The first chapter depicts the process of not able to understand the destination of life, to accept the transitions of our life. Calligraphy and painting are the media for the artist to express emotional feelings. Through the creative art works, helping release energy from the inner emotional upheaval. The second chapter discusses mind-fasting (xin-zhai 心齋) of the Zhuangzi’s “In The World Of Man”. The empty room reflects with light (xu shi sheng bai 虛室生白). the emptiness and the purity convey the power of Dao. The artist carrying on the traditional concepts transformed with the modern world connection. The third chapter explicates the creative thinking and method. The content of the creation uses white flowers as the key element for the two major series of art works. The first, ‘the intuitive series’—realistic drawing from nature and still life The second, ‘the window series’—mindful expression of indoor and outdoor scenes. Experimenting with different paper materials and rendering techniques, and transforming new ideas into color ink creations. Taking Laozi, Taichi, Buddhism, aesthetic concepts, and wisdom of predecessors as the foundation of creative thinking, re-constructing new space and composition with color ink. The artist returns to internal exploration, and further connecting--people to people and people to nature, with harmonious coexistence. Through the paintings convey the artist’s pursuit of beauty.rethinking and transforming into the creation of ink painting.虛白出新水墨創作EmptinessPurityTransformationink painting creation虛・白・出新-陳美吟水墨創作論述Emptiness, Purity and Transformation--Thesis on creation of ink Paintings By Chen Mei-Yin