洪致文HUNG-CHIH-WEN陳韋宏CHEN,WEI-HUNG2019-08-292015-06-152019-08-292012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0699230044%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/94379  臺北市為全臺灣最早發展公車運輸之城市,於日本統治時代已初具規模,戰後初期受法規限制僅由臺北市公共汽車處行駛市區路線,至1969年才開放市區公車路線民營,並實施「分區營運管制規則」,限制各業者的營運區域,1977年實施「聯營制度」,取消分區營運管制統一路線編碼與票證,並逐步擴張至今共由14家客運業者所組成的聯營公車體系。本研究利用1977年、1998年,以及2011年臺北市之聯營公車路線班次加權統計,以空間分析方法剖析臺北市之聯營公車各家客運業者,由1977年至今的路網分布情形。透過公車路線與班次資料庫建立及統計分析,得知各家客運業者的版圖範圍,從聯營制度實施後至今雖有擴大,但仍保有當初分區營運管制規則的影子,且班次密度最高的地方多為臺北市內主要幹道,或各家客運公司由新北市進入臺北市後的折返集結點。但是,在路權受政府管制且站場儲車用地的限制情況下,致使各家客運公司的主要營運區域並無變動,因此若欲拓展更大的營運範圍,最快的方法就是合併或收購,集團式客運公司因應而生。臺北市聯營公車目前已形成「臺北首都集團」與「中興大業巴士集團」,集團車輛數及班次數超過臺北市聯營公車的五成。依照本研究空間分析的結果,發現臺北首都集團下的首都客運補足臺北客運東西向及南京東路以北之路網,而臺北客運則補足首都客運於臺北市西南區一帶空缺;中興大業巴士集團下的淡水客運集中關渡地區,光華巴士集中士林、天母一帶,新北客運位於南港地區,中興巴士聚集士林、公館附近,指南客運則以木柵地區為主。依此可知集團式客運公司,旗下各業者主要營運區域有空間互補關係,並且重新劃分與組合公車路網分布,藉此打破固有營運區域,擴大營運版圖,致使路線彈性增加,提升營收效益。  The bus system of Taipei is the earlist development of bus transportation in Taiwan. The current Taipei Bus Union system is composited by 14 companies. Each company has its principal operating area. This study uses weighted statistics of bus schedules to present the Taipei Bus Union companies route distribution in the form of maps at 1977, 1998 and 2011. By using ArcGIS database, it indicates that the densest route schedules to be located at the primary roads of Taipei City or assembly terminals where buses enter Taipei City from New Taipei City. However, the right of bus routes is controled by the government. The fastest way for each bus company to expand its operating area is to merge or acquire other companies into a bus group. Therefore, the bus groups formed. This study examined the route distribution of Capital Bus Group and Chung-shing Bus Group. The result of spatial analysis shows that the new route distribution of these bus groups is able to complement by different companies in group. The principal operating area is no longer evident as a single bus company in the bus groups which changed the spatial distribution of current bus network and expand operating area to earn more profits.臺北市聯營公車空間分布空間重組分區管制地理資訊系統Taipei Bus Unionspatial distributionspatial reorganizationzoning regulationGIS臺北市之聯營公車客運版圖分布The Spatial Distribution of the Bus Companies in Taipei City