常紹如吳美貞Shau-Ju ChangAngela Mei-Chen Wu2016-05-062016-05-062014-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/78345為國內高中英語辯論教學之催生請命,論文首先闡述圍內外文獻所提及有關「英語」辯論之學習效益,並介紹東亞地區包括中國、日本、韓國與我國等地之英語辯論現況,藉以證明高中英語辯論教學之正當性與急迫性。論文次節提出以「外語社會化理論」為依據架構英語教育中之辯論教學,即將英語辯論教學視為幫助學生達成三種與辯論相關之社會化過程,包括強調「辯論菁英培訓」的「英語辯論比賽」、強調「辯論基本知能發展」的「課堂英語辯論教學」、及強調「辯論生活化」的「辯論與現代公民養成」等三大目標與類型。論文最後針對臺灣中、高等教育之人物力現況提出高中英語辯論教學之可能推行方式,並就高中英語辯論教學所將帶來之效益與貢獻做一綜合推估。Given the multifarious educational benefits of English debate and its long absence in local English curriculum, this paper argues that debate ought to be integrated into the cun-ent high school English cuniculum in Taiwan. To do so, the paper first reviews the pedagogical merits of debate and summarizes the current practice of English debate in secondary schools in non-English-speaking Asian countries just to illustrate that English debate has not received the attention it duly deserves in Taiwan. Using the theory of language socialization as a programdesigning framework, this paper then argues that English debate in Taiwan should include (1) competitive debate training to enable elite students to compete in local and international forensics events, (2) debate-like classroom discussion to equip all students with basic ability to engage in oral English argumentation, and (3) citizenship training to help students to live up to their rights and responsibility as e) member of a modern society. Possible forms of promotion and implementation in~ the above three domains are then proffered. The paper finally ends with a discussion of estimated benefits English debate training can bring about for local high school students and, ultimately, for the future development of our country.英語辯論教學臺灣高中宗旨目標型式內容教學效益English debate instructionTaiwanese high schoolspurposescontenteducational benefits辯論不應在臺灣高中英語教育中缺席:論未來高中英語辯論教學之宗旨目標、面向內涵、推動管道及預期效益Incorporating Debate into Taiwan's High School English Education: Issues Regarding its Purposes, Content, Operation and Expected Benefits