蕭顯勝Hsien-Sheng Hsiao林建佑Chien-Yu Lin2019-09-032010-7-12019-09-032008http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0695710412%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/96777電子學為現今科技發展的基礎,但其概念過於抽象,往往造成學習者無法正確瞭解其觀念;數位化的模擬式學習因具有強大的多媒體功能,可將抽象的概念以具體的圖形或動畫呈現,即可運用於電子學學習中以加強學習成效。本研究建置一個支援學習歷程紀錄的電子學模擬學習系統,並以電子學為學習教材。以大專院校電子相關科系學生進行教學實驗,藉此探討學習者在使用電子學模擬學習系統進行電子學學習的成效。此外,在實驗過程中將記錄學習者的學習歷程,將歷程紀錄施以序列分析方法,發掘不同認知風格學習者在模擬學習系統中的學習行為模式。 經教學實驗後發現,本研究所建置之模擬學習系統可提升電子學的學習成效,而場地獨立學習者的學習成效提升程度顯著地高於場地相依學習者;此外,在學習行為模式的比較上,場地相依與場地獨立學習者在進行隨意瀏覽及自我評量上沒顯著差異;場地相依學習者花較多時間在進行閱讀內容,且場地相依學習者的學習路徑比較會依循系統版面配置及教材編排內容進行;場地獨立學習者則在模擬操作上花費較多時間,而在學習路徑上則表現的較為隨意。Electronics is the foundation of technology, but the concept of electronics is too abstract ; therefore students can’t understand it correctly. Digital simulation instruction has functions of multimedia that can represent abstract concept with the specific graph or the animation, so researcher can utility this idea to the electronics instruction and promote the learning effect. This study develops an Electronics simulation learning system which supports the record of learning process and takes the Electronics as the learning content. This study is focus on the undergraduates of the department related Electronics to execute experiment and researcher uses the result to analyze the effect of the Electronics simulation learning system. Through the process of experiment, system will record the learning process of students. Researcher deduces the student's behavior pattern of different cognitive styles in Electronics simulation learning system with sequential analysis. After analyzing the results, there are conclusions as following: 1. The system of this study can promote the learning effect in Electronics. 2. The learning effect of FD students is higher than the FI students. 3. In the comparison of learning behavior pattern, the FD and FI students have no specific difference of “Random browsing” and “Self-Examination”. 4. The FD students spend more time on “reading content” and the learning process of FI students are rely on interface of the system and arranged content. 5. The FI students spend more time on “simulation” and their learning processes are haphazard comparatively.電腦模擬學習認知風格學習歷程computer simulation instructioncognitive stylelearning profile認知風格對模擬學習成效及學習歷程影響之研究The study of influence of cognitive style on simulation learning effect and learning portfolio.