賴香如Hsiang-Ru, Lai李佳鴻Chia-Hung, Li2019-08-282010-7-222019-08-282010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0596051117%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/87787本研究主要目的在了解國中生個人背景變項、健康信念、行動線索、自我效能與騎腳踏車戴安全帽行為的關係。以台南縣某國中九十八學年度第二學期在學且會騎腳踏車的學生為母群體,採分層集束抽樣選取12班429名學生為調查樣本,並採結構式問卷團體施測進行資料收集,最後得有效樣本371份(有效回收率86.4%)。 本研究主要發現如下: 一、研究對象之腳踏車事故傷害罹患性認知、騎腳踏車戴安全帽自我效能偏中下程度;而腳踏車事故傷害嚴重性認知、騎腳踏車戴安全帽有效性認知和障礙性認知偏中上程度;騎腳踏車戴安全帽之行動線索偏少。 二、女生的腳踏車事故傷害罹患性認知高於男生;七、九年級學生騎腳踏車戴安全帽有效性認知高於八年級學生;八年級學生騎腳踏車戴安全帽障礙性認知高於七年級;社經地位層級五學生腳踏車事故傷害之嚴重性認知高於社經地位層級二之學生;有安全帽學生的腳踏車戴安全帽有效性認知、行動線索和自我效能及騎腳踏車戴安全帽行為高於無安全帽的學生。相反地,無安全帽學生的騎腳踏車戴安全帽障礙性認知高於有安全帽者。 三、有腳踏車專用安全帽、有效性認知越高、行動線索越高、自我效能越高、障礙性認知越低者,越傾向採取騎腳踏車戴安全帽行為。 四、是否有安全帽、有效性認知和自我效能為騎腳踏車戴安全帽行為的重要預測因素。The main purpose of this study was to examine the bicycle helmet use of junior high school students, and to explore its related variables based on Health Belief Model. The subjects were selected from 7th to 9th grade students in one junior high school in Tainan County by stratified cluster sampling. Data were collected with a self-administered questionnaire. The valid samples were 371 with 86.4% response rate. The main findings of this study were as follows: 1. The scores of “perceived susceptibility of bicycle accidents” and “self-efficacy of bicycle helmet use” were below the medium. The scores of “perceived severity of bicycle accidents”, “perceived benefits of action of bicycle helmet use” and “perceived barriers of action of bicycle helmet use” were above the average. The “cues to action of bicycle helmet use” was low. 2. Perceived susceptibility of bicycle accidents of females was higher than that of males. Perceived benefit of helmet use of the 7th and 9th grade students was higher than that of the 8th grade students, and perceived barrier of helmet use of the 8th grade students was higher than that of the 7th grade students. Students of socioeconomic status level 5 had higher perceived severity of bicycle accidents than those of socioeconomic status level 2. The “perceived benefits”, “cues”, “self-efficacy”, and “bicycle helmet use” of students owning helmets were higher than those without helmets. But “perceived barriers of bicycle helmet use” of students without helmets was higher than that of owning ones. 3.Those who own helmets, with higher “perceived benefits”, “cues”, and “self-efficacy”, and less “perceived barriers” of bicycle helmet use were more likely to use bicycle helmets. 4. The variables of owing bicycle helmets, perceived benefits of action and self-efficacy are important predictors of bicycle helmet use.國中學生騎腳踏車戴安全帽行為健康信念模式junior high school studentbicycle helmet useHealth Belief Model國中生騎腳踏車戴安全帽行為與相關因素之研究—以台南縣某國中為例Bicycle Helmet Use and Related Factors among Junior High School Students- An Example of a Junior High School in Tainan County