林昱廷莊佩瑾Chuang, Pei-Chin2019-09-05不公開2019-09-052015http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060091014M%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/106968作曲家劉長遠是當今活躍於中國當代著名作曲家,他在2003年所創作之民族管弦樂作品《抒情變奏曲》榮獲中國文化部主辦第九屆全國音樂作品評獎二等獎,作品因此崛起,並為其代表作。而本文所探討之作品《夢釋》,為劉長遠在2011年受上海民族樂團所委託之作,此作品乃其為二胡協奏曲初試啼聲之作,因此筆者想藉由研究及深入探討此樂曲與作曲家的創作理念。 本文主要以二胡作品《夢釋》為研究對象,透過訪談及配合文獻分析,統整出作曲家劉長遠之創作背景與理念,並藉由樂曲分析了解作曲家創作手法與風格,在樂曲詮釋上藉由影音觀察法,以音樂分析為根基,加入個人對樂曲之見解,建構出個人詮釋之二度創造性。 《夢釋》為劉長遠其創作民族管弦樂作品中,唯一之大型二胡協奏曲於2011年完成。這首作品充分展現劉長遠的創作理念,他運用主題動機,以五聲音階的音型作有限移位,使樂曲中十個段落皆以不同樣貌呈現,不論音型、節奏、旋律等都有些許之變化。整首樂曲一方面蘊含著中國傳統五聲音樂的審美取向,另一方面結合了似西方20世紀音樂的創作手法,使作品提升了音樂的藝術性,並促使傳統民族音樂借鑒吸收了西方音樂之精華,不僅使聽眾耳目一新,更重要的是能使作品繼續傳承下去。Liu Chang-Yuan is an active composer in Contemporary China. His work for Chinese orchestra Lyrical Variations, composed in 2003, was awarded the second place of the 9th National Music Composition Contest, thus rising and became one of his representative works. Dream Interpretation, the main piece discussed in this paper, was commissioned by Shanghai Chinese Orchestra in 2011, and was also Liu’s first concerto for erhu, triggering the author to study and deeply probe in this piece and the composer’s composing idea. The study takes the erhu composition Dream Interpretation as the main object, and aims to integrate and clarify Liu Chang-Yuan’s composing background and concepts through interviews and document analysis, to comprehend composer’s composing methods and style based on musical analysis, and for the music interpretation, toreconstruct individual concept of recreation on the foundation of audiovisual observation, musical analysis and personal viewpoint. Dream Interpretation is the only erhu concerto, finished in 2011, among Liu Chang Yuan’s compositions for Chinese orchestra. The piece fully presents Liu Chang Yuan’s composing idea of thematic motive, playing the limited transposition with pentatonic scale, and making its ten sections diverse through little variations in melodic pattern, rhythm, melodies and etc. The whole piece, on one hand, contains an aesthetic orientation towards the pentatonic music in traditional Chinese music, and, on the other hand, also fuses with composing techniques of western-like 20 century music; the mentioned has elevated the artistry of the piece, and encouraged traditional music to absorb essences of western music. These traits not only bring fresh air to the audiences, but also, most important of all, make the piece continually passed on.劉長遠《夢釋》二胡協奏曲樂曲分析2011年受上海民族樂團委託之作Liu Chang YuanDream InterpretationErhu concertomusical analysisCommission by Shanghai Chinese Orchestra ( 2011 )劉長遠二胡協奏曲《夢釋》之分析與詮釋An Analysis and Interpretation of Erhu Concerto Dream Interpretation by Chang-Yuan Liu