陳美燕Chen, Mei-Yen郭彩霞Kuo, Tsai-Hsia2022-06-082021-09-272022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/4ce43719128c3066c7542ad688d26a3b/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/117592我國總人口於2020年開始呈現負成長趨勢發展,主要為65歲以上族群人口占整體16.0%,依據國家發展委員會2020年所執行中華民國未來50年人口成長趨勢推估分析發現,2025年國內社會人口結構將來到符合國際所定義「超高齡社會」標準。因此台灣正面臨高齡社會、家戶組織持續縮小及退休年齡延後趨勢發展,然而在國人平均壽命延長、跨世代的「孝親撫養」的價值觀改變、在地社區老化、社會保險變革及面臨社會福利措施到位與否等議題,然而這些議題並非僅靠單一政府政策所能承擔。本研究以跨業共好策略:合好一起錸之個案研究暸解企業在國家社會福祉政策下,藉由投入長照產業日照中心生態系營運活動,以實現企業家社會企業及公私協力共同共融理念。本研究藉由個案研究方法論及半結構式訪談大綱,依研究目的提出(一)暸解「合好一起錸」如何在企業內規劃長照產業經營策略與定位?(二)探究「合好一起錸」如何運用企業優勢推動跨業融合協力?(三)分析「合好一起錸」如何藉由企業社會責任實現公私協力互助模式?三個研究問題。研究結果:首先為樂齡者(高齡)社區照顧趨勢已是不分國界或空間;其次為「合好一起錸」樂齡創育城串起「在地照顧」、「社區融合」、「科技智慧日照中心」、「代間共融」及「產業聯盟」競合關係,建構跨業融合社會福祉及智慧健康產業營運協力合作共生共融生態系;最後為國家社會福祉政策在長期照顧「產業化」發展趨勢下,應建構平等互惠的公私協力夥伴關係。研究建議:企業在參與社會福祉公共政策投入或公益服務時,必須兼顧公益性與營利性間的衡平維持及社會企業理念的落實。​The total population of our country started to show a negative growth trend in 2020, with majority of the population over the age of 65 years old, accounting for 16.0% of the total population. According to the analysis of the population growth trend projections for the next 50 years conducted by the National Development Council in 2020, it is found that in 2025, the demographic structure of the domestic society will be in line with the international definition of “high aging society”. Therefore, Taiwan is facing the development of an aging society, with continuous shrinking numbers of family and the trend of delaying the retirement age. However, as the average life expectancy increases, the value of “filial care” changes across generations, the aging of local communities, changes in social insurance, and the availability of social welfare measures, these issues cannot be undertaken by a single government policy alone. This study shares good strategy of crossing field: a case study of “RIGHT SERVICE” to understand the social welfare policy of enterprises in the country, and by investigating the operation of the ecosystem of the long-term care industry, and to understand the concept of entrepreneurial social enterprise and public-private partnership. This study conducted a case study methodology with a semi-structured interview to construct (a) understand the business strategy and positioning of “RIGHT SERVICE” in the long-term care industry (b) explore how “RIGHT SERVICE” utilized corporate vantage to promote cross-industry integration (c) analyze how “RIGHT SERVICE” implemented mutual aid and public private partnership model through corporate social responsibility. Results: Firstly, the trend of community care for the elderly (senior citizens) is already regardless of national boundaries or space; second, “RIGHT SERVICE” is linked with co-opetition relationship with “local care”, “community integration”, “technology and intelligent day care center”, “intergenerational integration” and “industry alliance”. Establishing a symbiotic ecosystem of cross-industry integration of social welfare and smart health industry operation cooperation: Finally, in order for the national social welfare policy to take care of the development trend of “industrialization” in the long term, it is necessary to construct an equal and mutually beneficial public-private partnership. Recommendation: when participating in public policy input or public service for social welfare, enterprises must take into account the balance between public welfare and profitability and the implementation of social enterprise concepts.高齡社會生態系公私協力在地社區融合aging societyecosystempublic-private partnershiplocal social integration跨業共好策略:合好一起錸之個案研究Sharing Good Strategy of Crossing Field : the Case Study of 「RIGHT SERVICE」學術論文