戴文雄張永福陳穎謙陳清檳2014-10-272014-10-272009-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/30419本研究旨在探討高中職實用技能學程學生人格特質、自我效能與學習動機之差異與相關。主要研究對象為台灣地區高中職實用技能學程學生,採分層隨機叢集抽樣,共發出2,255份問卷,有效問卷1,881份,有效問卷回收率為83.4%,並以t考驗與典型相關統計方法處理與分析問卷資料。根據統計分析及研究結果顯示:一、實用技能學程人格特質高分組學生之自我效能顯著高於人格特質低分組學生之自我效能。二、實用技能學程人格特質高分組學生之學習動機亦顯著優於人格特質低分組學生之學習動機。三、實用技能學程學生之自我效能與學習動機達顯著正相關。The purpose of the research was to investigate the relationships among five factors of personality trait, self-efficacy and learning motivation of practical technical program students at senior high schools and vocational senior high schools in Taiwan. This research adopted questionnaire survey to collect data. There were 2,255 questionnaires sent out. The valid questionnaires remained 1,881. The response rate of valid questionnaires was 83.4%. Descriptive statistics was applied to analyze this data. According to the report, the findings were as follows: 1. The self-efficacy of higher personality trait students is significantly higher than that of lower personality trait students. 2. The learning motivation of higher personality trait students is significantly higher than that of lower personality trait students. 3. There is significantly positive relationship between self-efficacy and the learning motivation.實用技能學程人格特質自我效能學習動機Practical technical programPersonality traitSelf-efficacyLearning motivation實用技能學程學生人格特質、自我效能與學習動機之研究The Relationships among Personality Traits, Self-Efficacy, Learning Motivation on the Practical Technical Program Students at High Schools