邱紹春范雯蓓Fan Wen-Pei2019-08-282011-1-12019-08-282010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0594091203%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91618本研究旨在探討社會性故事讀書治療方案對國小中度智能障礙學童問題行為的改變成效。實驗設計採單一受試跨行為多基線,以苗栗縣某國小啟智班一名中度智障學童為研究對象,針對個案的上課吵鬧、亂動東西、抽屜髒亂問題行為進行每次四十分鐘,共九次的社會性故事讀書治療方案。結果顯示社會性故事讀書治療方案對個案上課吵鬧問題行為、亂動東西問題行為、抽屜髒亂問題行為改變具立即輔導效果及持續輔導效果。The purpose of this study was to explore the effectiveness of behavioral management using the social stories bibliotherapy by an elementary school child with moderate intellectual disabilities. The multiple baseline across- behaviors design was used to control the internal validity of the experiment. Dependent variables consisted of making noises in the class, playing around with something, and messy drawers. The therapeutic program involved a total of nine social stories bibliotherapy with forty minutes in each reading treatment session. The results indicated that social stories bibliotherapy achieved immediate and sustained effects on modification of problem behaviors in the case of making noises in the classroom, playing around with something, and messy drawers. Implications for practical instruction and suggestions for further studies were proposed based on the above findings.社會性故事讀書治療問題行為中度智障問題解決Social StoriesBibliotherapyProblem BehaviorModerate Intellectual DisabilitiesProblem Solving社會性故事讀書治療方案對國小中度智能障礙學童問題行為改變成效之研究A Study of the Effectiveness of Applying Social Stories Bibliotherapy to Change Prolem Behaviors on An Elementary School Child with Moderate Intellectual Disabilities.