鍾志從Jong, Jyh-Tsorng余婧瑩Er, Jing-Ying2023-12-082022-09-162023-12-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/bce76b75cfa334e9340f8e6325bdd443/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119146摘 要 本研究探討幼兒對成人的外貌吸引與行為判斷。以151位三至五歲的幼兒爲對象,其中男生89人,女生62人;三歲組26人,四歲組69人及五歲組56人;高社經86人、中低社經62人。這些受試幼兒來自臺北市一所國小附設幼兒園和三所非營利幼兒園。透過自編的「幼兒對成人外貌的偏好測驗」以及「不同情境下幼兒對不同外貌吸引成人行爲的判斷測驗」,以一對一訪談方式收集受試幼兒對成人局部和整體的外貌偏好,和不同情境下受試幼兒對成人先做好事再做壞事、或先做壞事再做好事,那麼這個人是好人還是壞人的判斷資料。透過SPSS.23統計軟體的人數、百分比、以及卡方考驗,本研究所得結果如下: 一、七成左右的受試幼兒喜歡長髮多於短髮。 二、五成四的受試幼兒傾向喜歡雙眼皮,但選擇人數與喜歡單眼皮的 四成七沒有差距太大。 三、八成一的受試幼兒喜歡小鼻子甚於大鼻子。 四、六成八的受試幼兒喜歡薄唇甚於厚唇。 五、最多受試幼兒選擇喜歡「短髮/單眼皮/小鼻子/薄唇」的外貌。 六、年齡在成人局部外貌_嘴巴的偏好上有顯著不同。三歲組受試幼 兒對厚唇的喜愛在三個年齡組中最高。 七、性別在成人局部外貌_頭髮和嘴巴的偏好上有顯著不同。女生比 較喜歡長髮甚於短髮。而男生比較喜歡厚唇甚於薄唇。 八、家庭社經地位不同,受試幼兒對成人局部或整體外貌的偏好都沒 有顯著的差異。 九、受試幼兒對成人外貌是否具有吸引,先做好事再做壞事或先做 壞事再做好事,多數幼兒都以成人最後的行爲是好或壞來判斷他 是好人或是壞人。三歲組與五歲組的差異最明顯,三歲組以最後 行為結果來判斷的傾向較五歲組高。 關鍵詞:幼兒、外貌吸引、外貌偏好、行為判斷Abstract This study investigated young children's physical attraction and behavioral judgments of adults. A total of 151 children aged three to five were selected, of which 89 were boys and 62 were girls; 26 were in the three-year-old group, 69 in the four-year-old group and 56 in the five-year-old group. The subjects were from a preschool attached to a national elementary school and three non-profit preschools in Taipei City. Through the self-made "Children's Appearance Preference Test of Adults" and "Judgment Test of Young Children's Attracting Adults with Different Appearances in Different Situations", the test children's partial and overall appearance preferences of adults were collected through one-on-one interviews, and In different situations, the children tested to adults do good deeds before doing bad deeds, or do bad deeds first and then do good deeds, then the judgement data of whether this person is a good person or a bad person. Through SPSS.23 statistical software number, percentage, and chi-square test, The results of this study are as follows:1. About 70% of the tested children prefer long hair to short hair.2. Fifty-four percent of the children in the test tend to like double eyelids,but the number of selected children is the same as those forty-sevenpercent children who like single eyelids is not too different.3. Eighty-one percent of children prefer a small nose to a big nose.4. Sixty-eight percent of the children tested prefer thin lips to thick lips.5. Most of the children tested chose to like the appearance of"short hair/single eyelid/small nose/thin lips". 6. Age is significantly different in adult partial appearance-mouth preference. Three-year-old subjects children's preference for thick lips is the highest among the three age groups. 7. Gender significantly differs in adult preferences for partial appearance, girls prefer long hair to short hair. Boys prefer thick lips to thin lips. 8. With different family socioeconomic status, the children tested had no significant differences preference forthe partial or overall appearance ofadults. 9. Whether the test children are attracted to the appearance of adults do good things first and then do bad things or do bad things first and then do good things, most young children judge the adults by whether the adult's final behavior is good or bad. The difference between the three-year-old group and the five-year-old group is the most obvious, and the three-year-old group children judge the adults by whether the adult's final behavior is good or bad was higher than that of the five-year-old group.Keywords: appearance attraction, appearance preference, behavioral judgment, young children幼兒外貌吸引外貌偏好行為判斷appearance attractionappearance preferencebehavioral judgmentyoung children幼兒對成人外貌吸引與行爲判斷的探討Investigation of Young Children’s Attractiveness in Adult’s Appearance and Behavioral Judgmentetd