劉昊洲博士Haw-Jou Liu Ph.D曾俊瑋Chen-Wei Tseng2019-08-282008-8-192019-08-282008http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0595101211%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/85589由於台灣獨特的歷史背景與發展,使得台灣這塊土地無論在文化、制度與族群上,都處於一種多元分歧的狀況。猶有甚者,關於台灣人民的國家認同建構現況,事實上一直存在著危機。自台灣民主化歷程開展以來,國家認同問題成為台灣社會內部爭議最大、影響最廣泛的議題,而此議題經政治動員後,往往具有極大的傷害力,不僅使得族群間嚴重對立,更威脅了政治體系的穩定。 本文乃基於「理解國家認同之相關理論」、「探討台灣本土化後國家認同教育的真實風貌及影響」以及「從高中公民與社會教科書內容中探討國家認同內涵」等動機而施行研究探討。本研究採取內容分析法,並依據「國家認同內涵分析主題類目表」之分類,探究「三民、南一、龍騰」三個版本高中公民與社會教科書中國家認同之內涵,希望藉著本研究來探討國家認同之相關理論,並了解台灣民主化後國家認同觀之形成背景與演變,還有分析高中歷史教科書中國家認同之內涵,以作為未來高中公民與社會課程規劃,以及台灣未來國家認同發展之參考。As a result of the unique historical development and background in Taiwan, it has always lied in a state of diverse and mess blending, regardless of cultures, institutions or ethnic groups on this island. Besides, for people in Taiwan, they have also been encountering national identity crisis. Since the proceeding of democratization, the issue of national identity has become more and more visible and controversial. Whenever it is goes through the process of political mobilization, it always brings explosive forces that cause serious conflict between ethnic groups and threat to the stability of political system. The research is motivated on the basis of “understanding the theories of the national identity”, “analyzing the features and influences of the national identity education after the localization of Taiwan”, and “examining the Civic and Society textbooks contents from the perspectives of national identity”. The approach of content analysis selects “National Identity Analyzing Subject Sheet “ to examine national identity in three versions of Civic and Society textbook. In addition to investigating the related theories, the research wants to interpret the background and various perceptions about national identity after Taiwan democratization. The content analysis is also conducted on national identity in textbooks for high school students. The purpose is to provide reference to future course design and development of national identity in Taiwan國家認同教科書分析教育本土化公民與社會教科書national identitytextbook analysislocalization of educationCivic and Society textbook現行高中公民與社會教科書國家認同內涵之分析Content Analysis of National Identity in Civic and Society textbook in High school