許書瑋Hsu, Ryan Shuwei許希寧Hsu, Hsi-Ning2020-10-192025-06-282020-10-192020http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0107590179%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/110695  銀行櫃員在銀行組織結構中所扮演的角色與地位,是處在銀行人力結構金字塔最底端且為數眾多的一群人,面對銀行競爭壓力與金融情勢丕變,業績壓力、過長工時、績效評比等都是銀行員無從逃避的壓力。因為銀行櫃員做的是銀行各類職務中最基層的事務性工作,每天面對客戶都有處理不完繁雜、瑣碎又無聊的的例行工作,這樣的工作常會被認為毫無工作價值可言。   可是幾乎所有的工作,還是有它需要具備的專業與技術,以及它的工作價值,在繁雜、瑣碎的工作事務中,還是可以發現充滿意義的美好事物,展現其工作價值。本研究透過銀行最佳服務行員的小故事,探討銀行櫃員的工作價值,並藉由銀行櫃員的工作價值發現與分享,進一步對個案銀行提出有關銀行櫃員之管理,培訓與轉型輔導之建議。From the manpower structure perspective, bank tellers are located at the bottom while account for the majority of the employees. In the face of banking competition and radical changes in finance industry, personal performance, excessive working hours, and performance evaluations are all pressures bank tellers have encountered. Since the bank tellers are usually responsible for the most basic work, which are complicated, trivial, and tedious, so they are often considered worthless and less contributive to the banks. Nevertheless, almost all of the jobs need the expertises and techniques. Among these complicated and trivial administrative affairs, we can still find out the beauty and the meaningdemonstrating their job values. This research is mainly concentrated on the values the bank tellers have created based on several short stories from "the Best Service Crews" as well as the advisory to the case bank about bank tellers management, training and transformation.銀行櫃員工作價值BankTellersjob values關心、用心、細心:銀行櫃員工作價值We Know, We Care, We See: What Makes Tellers’ Work Worth Doing?