胡宗文Hu, Daniel潘昱云Pan, Yu-Yun2024-12-172024-05-292024https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/e451dc5633df7a7a8be006dbf32703f2/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/122960本研究將從Nida(1964)的「功能對等」翻譯理論以及Newmark(1988)的「溝通翻譯」理論原則作為出發點,最後藉由廖柏森(2013)等學者所著《英中筆譯1:基礎翻譯理論與技巧》中所整理的翻譯策略來分析兩份摘取自《裝甲兵季刊》的國軍準則。希望透由本研究來分析翻譯國軍準則時可善用的翻譯策略並檢視國軍準則的翻譯問題,進而研擬出提升國軍準則翻譯品質的方法,以為日後軍事準則的翻譯工作提供些許幫助。研究首先將從「句法結構」及「文意表達」兩面向切入,研究兩研究文本常用的翻譯策略,並從分析常用翻譯策略的過程中,發現翻譯國軍準則會因語言差異、國情不同、譯者學經歷及時間壓力等因素出現翻譯問題,並藉此研究研擬出提升國軍準則譯文品質的方法。The present thesis analyzes two translation pieces found in Armor Quarterly, with the goal of identifying useful translation strategies. The theoretical framework for the analysis is provided by Eugene Nida’s Function Equivalence Theory (1964) and Peter Newmark’s Principles of Communicative Translation (1988). The translation strategies recommended by English-Chinese Translation 1: Basic Theories and Methods (2013), by Posen Liao et al., have also been considered.Particular attention is paid to syntactic structure and semantic expression. The thesis also uncovers several translation issues arising from language differences between English and Chinese. Varying national conditions between the United States and Taiwan, as well as time constraints imposed on the translators of the two pieces, have also been taken into consideration. It is hoped that as a result of the present work the quality of translations found in Armor Quarterly, a journal published by the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of China for the benefit of the nation’s armed services, can be improved.國軍準則功能對等溝通翻譯翻譯策略Military DoctrineFunctional EquivalenceCommunicative TranslationTranslation Strategies國軍準則翻譯策略初探:以《戰車排標準作業程序—指揮管制、戰術行軍篇》及《戰車排作戰教範第三章—攻勢作戰》為例A Preliminary Analysis of the Translation Strategies Employed in the Military Doctrine: Using Tank Platoon SOP: Battle Command, Tactical Operation and Tank Platoon: Chapter 3 Offense as Examples學術論文