洪儷瑜Hung Li-yu陳芬芳Chen Fen-Fang2019-08-282015-2-202019-08-282014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0599091225%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91769本研究旨在探討國中特教班導師執行雙導師制的實施現況、雙導師制帶來的好處與問題、導師對雙導師制的態度。本研究以普查的方式調查新北市和臺北市一般公立國中特教班導師意見,研究方法以問卷為主,焦點座談為輔。研究工具為自編之「國中特教班雙導師制實施現況調查問卷(教師版)」、「國中特教班雙導師制實施現況調查問卷(行政人員版)」、「國中特教班雙導師焦點座談訪談大綱」。行政人員版問卷共獲得55所學校資料,回收率達94.8%,教師版問卷共獲得172份資料,回收率達91.5%,教師版問卷再以班為單位形成雙導師版的資料。並以描述統計、卡方考驗等統計方式,依據不同研究問題分析行政人員版、教師版、雙導師版的資料,據以提出結論與建議。本研究獲得以下結論: 一、大部分學校的特教班導師授課時數並未因課稅配套措施減課,其餘規則制度視各校狀況有不同的彈性作法,但在彈性中還是有一定的堅持,以保障學生應有的教育品質。 二、雙導師的合作模式以團隊式為主,會因時機、教師背景略有不同。 三、大部分老師認同目前雙導師間的互動情形多為正向的合作,其中以溝通最為重要。 四、大部分學校並未因為雙導師制調整辦公室和教室之設施設備。 五、大多數老師能認同雙導師帶來的好處,包括情感上的助益、減輕工作壓力、提升專業能力、使學生獲得更好的照顧和教育品質。 六、雙導師制使老師最感到困擾的問題包括教師間作法不一致、需多花時間協調及缺乏適當的雙導師規範。 七、大部分的老師有意願擔任導師,且會因為雙導師制而提升擔任導師意願;支持雙導師制的老師明顯多於支持單一導師制的老師。 最後依據研究結果對教育行政主管機關、學校、特教教師和研究等提出建議。The study aimed to explore the newly implementation of the dual-homeroom-teacher (DHT) of self-contained special classes (SSC) in junior high schools, and the benefits and problems caused by the new system, and teachers’ attitude toward the new system. The self-conducted questionnaires rated by the homeroom-teachers of SSC and the chief of special education section in junior high schools in Taipei and New Taipei cities: " Questionnaire of the implementation of the dual- homeroom-teacher system of self-contained special education classes in junior high school (Teacher Version)" and "Questionnaire of the implementation of the dual- homeroom-teacher system of self-contained special education classes in junior high school (Administrative staff version)". Followed with the survey, a focus group supplemented to obtained the context information with ” the Outlines of the focus group of the dual-homeroom-teacher system of self-contained special classes in junior high school ". The questionnaire data of administrative staff version was obtained 55 schools, the effective response rate was 94.8%, and teacher version was obtained 172, the effective response rate was 91.5%. Then two teachers in the same SSC were united in a DHT unit to be analyzed. To answer the research questions, descriptive statistics and chi-square test were utilized to obtain the result. The major results were concluded as following: 1. The teaching hours of homeroom teachers in the SSC in most schools were not reduced after the taxation of government employee in Taiwan. The rules of the DHT were implemented in flexible way and varied with schools; however, the insistence to ensure the quality of education students was found among it. 2. The cooperative mode of DHT was found mainly to work as a team, but it remained slightly different with the situation and backgrounds of teachers. 3. Most of teachers agreed that the interaction between two homeroom teachers was positive relationship by sharing out the work and helping one another, and that communication is the most important. 4. Most schools did not adjust the facilities in the offices and classrooms due to DHT. 5. Most teachers admitted the benefits of DHT, including emotional partners, reducing stress from work, improving professional competences, the better quality of care and education of special student. 6. The problems bothering most teachers in DHT were inconsistent classroom management or approaches between teachers, more time for coordination, loopholes between teachers, lack of implementation model for DHT. 7. Most teachers were willing to serve as a homeroom teacher, and improved their willingness because of DHT. Teachers who supported DHT were significantly more than teachers who supported the single-homeroom- teacher. Implications for the administrative , schools、special education teachers ,and the further research are recommended on the basis of the findings.雙導師雙導師合作模式合班導師國中特教班dual-homeroom teacherscooperation modes of teacherspartner teachersjunior high schoolself-contained special class國中特教班導師執行雙導師制之現況調查~以雙北市為例The Survey of Dual-homeroom-teachers of Self-contained Special Classes in Junior High Schools in Two Taipei Cities