黃培青HUANG, PEI-CHING2020-09-032020-09-032020-03-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/109392中唐詵人孟郊以清奇瘦硬的詵風,開啟「仍和」新體的嶄新面貌,博得時人韓愈、賈島及後世追隨者的尊敬與推崇。然自宋代歐公「秋蟲吟草」、東坡「郊寒島瘦」、蘇轍「陋於聞道」……等批評後,將孟郊的形象導向貶抑、譏斥的彼端。孟郊一生,身分卑微、官秩塵下,史籍載記的資料並不豐富。但從《全宋詵》中卻可蒐羅出為數不少篇章,或直截、或間接的論及孟郊其人。是以筆者擬尌相關詵章篇什,別類分門,以詵見史、因事知人,透過具體詵作的討論,還原宋代詵人創作視域裡的孟郊身影,完成詵、史重合的歷史影像。MENG, JIAO was famous for his strange poems at mid-Tang dynasty. He created Yuanhe style which earned respect and admire from HAN, YU and JIA, DAO. However, MENG, JIAO’s image was transformed toward a negative through criticism from OUYANG XIU, SU SHI and SU, ZHE. Although there was little data about MENG, JIAO in historical literature, we could collect numerous poems from Complete Collection of Song Poetry and further discussed the implications of his works. This study aims to explore the image of MENG, JIAO based on the viewpoints at Song dynasty.孟郊詩學歷史接受形象MENG JIAOPoetryHistoryAcceptanceImage詩與史的重影──論宋詩所見孟郊的歷史影像Explore historical image of MENG, JIAO in Song Poetry