田秀蘭游依娜Yi-Na You2019-08-28不公開2019-08-282010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0096012113%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90703本研究的目的在探討不同背景變項之國小教師在自我概念、情緒智力與自我效能間的差異與關係。過程採用分層隨機抽樣的方法,共抽取桃園縣32所公立國民小學的教師做為本研究之受試者,有效樣本共448人。研究工具包括「教師自我概念量表」、「教師情緒智力量表」與「教師自我效能量表」。所得資料以描述統計、單因子多變量變異數分析、典型相關分析與多元逐步迴歸分析等統計方法進行考驗。研究結果如下: 一、國小教師的整體自我概念,在性別、年齡、最高學歷、教學年資、職務等背景變項上有統計上的顯著差異,而在學校規模變項上並無統計上的顯著差異。 二、國小教師的整體情緒智力,在最高學歷背景變項上有統計上的顯著差異,而在性別、年齡、教學年資、職務、學校規模等變項上並無統計上的顯著差異。 三、國小教師整體的自我效能,在年齡背景變項上有統計上的顯著差異,而在性別、最高學歷、教學年資、職務、學校規模等變項上並無統計上的顯著差異。 四、國小教師的自我概念與情緒智力之間有四組典型相關因素存在,且達統計上的顯著意義。 五、國小教師的自我概念與自我效能之間有二組典型相關因素存在,且達統計上的顯著意義。 六、國小教師的情緒智力與自我效能之間有二組典型相關因素存在,且達統計上的顯著意義。 七、國小教師的自我概念與情緒智力對整體自我效能有顯著的預測力,其中以自我激勵層面對整體自我效能之預測力最高。 最後,研究者依據本研究之研究結果進行討論,並提出具體建議以做為國小教師、學校單位機關及未來研究之參考。The purpose of the study was to explore the differences and relations among self-concept, emotional intelligence and self-efficacy of elementary school teachers in terms of their different backgrounds. We also examined the predictability of self-concept, emotional intelligence to self-efficacy for elementary school teachers. Participants were 448 elementary school teachers (113 males and 335 females) from 32 elementary schools in Taoyuan. The instruments applied were Self-concept Scale of Elementary School Teachers, Emotional Intelligence Scale of Elementary School Teachers and Self-efficacy Scale of Elementary School Teachers. The obtained data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, one-way MANOVA, canonical correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis. The results were as follows: 1. The self-concept of elementary school teachers varied significantly in terms of gender, ages, educational background, seniority and duty, but not the school size. 2. The emotional intelligence of elementary school teachers varied significantly in terms of educational background, but not the gender, ages, seniority, duty and school size. 3. The self-efficacy of elementary school teachers varied significantly in terms of ages, but not the gender, educational background, seniority, duty and school size. 4. The canonical correlation between self-concept and emotional intelligence was significant. 5. The canonical correlation between self-concept and self-efficacy was significant. 6. The canonical correlation between emotional intelligence and self-efficacy was significant. 7. The predictabilities of self-concept and emotional intelligence on self-efficacy were significant. Among which the “motivating yourself” is the most predictable. Based on the results, suggestions for elementary school teachers, school administrators, and future researches were discussed and proposed.自我概念情緒智力自我效能Self-conceptEmotional IntelligenceSelf-efficacy國小教師自我概念、情緒智力與自我效能之相關研究The Study of the Correlation among Self-concept, Emotional Intelligence and Self-efficacy of Elementary School Teachers