黃冠寰Gwan-Hwan Hwang蔣招政Chao-Chen Chiang2019-09-052009-7-282019-09-052009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0696470552%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/106748Web Service 是可程式化的實體,提供了特定的功能項目,並可供多個可能不同且使用常見網際網路標準(如 XML 及 HTTP) 的系統存取。Web Service 主要依賴 XML 和其他網際網路標準的廣泛接受度來解決先前無法解決的許多問題,進而建立支援應用程式互通性的基礎結構。 BPEL(Business Process Execution Language)是流程執行語言的標準。BPEL扮演著服務之間合作的指揮者,描述了流程控制如分支、迴圈、平行處理、訊息處理及關連性、例外處理等。BPEL是一個用XML來描述系統流程的方法,把不同的web services連結在一起而產生新的解決方案。這樣的組合方式與從前用程式把服務串在一起的方式相比較,顯的更有彈性且更容易管理。使用者可以透過不同的組合方式快速改變或產生新的解決方案。BPEL對於程序實體容錯(process instance fault tolerance)仍有限且對於Security悉借助WS-Security,然而WS-Security只針對Web Service而設計無法提供全方位的功能。 為了解決上述問題而提出一套framework達到程序實體容錯,程序身份確認性(process authentication),程序資料隱密性(process confidentiality),程序資料完整性(process message integrity),程序內容不可否認性(process non-repudiation) 功能。Web Service is a programmable entity provided the specific function and will also be available use of different common Internet standards (such as XML and HTTP) to access the system. Web Service mainly relies on XML and other broad acceptance Internet standards to solve many problems that previously can not be solved, and then establish the infrastructure to support interoperability of applications. BPEL(Business Process Execution Language) is a execution language standard and play a orchestrator between services, and describes the process control, such as branch, loop, parallel processing, information processing and related, the exception handling. BPEL is a business process approach using XML to describe, and generate new solutions by linking different web services together. This combination of these ways compare to the methods programming the services together, the former is significantly more flexible and easier to manage. Users can make use of different combinations to rapid change or create new solutions. BPEL for the process instance fault tolerance is still limited and Security handling is base on WS-Security, however, WS-Security is only designed for the Web Service can not provide a full range of features. To conquer these problems and we propose a framework to achieve process instance fault tolerance, process authentication, process confidentiality, process message integrity, process non-repudiation function.BPELWeb Service程序實體安全容錯WS-SecurityBPELWeb ServiceProcess instance securityFault toleranceWS-Security在SOA架構下支援程序實體安全的研究A Framework to Support Process Instance Security in SOA