程瑞福Chen, Jui-Fu鍾芷品Chung, Chih-Ping2019-09-052016-3-22019-09-052015http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0000312122%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/107390本研究之目的為探討空服員到海外自主旅行時的體驗來分析空服員海外自助旅行前、旅行中的體驗、旅行後對工作上的影響。本研究採個案研究法進行研究,研究的對象為5位國內、外知名大型航空公司之座艙長及空服員進行訪談。在資料蒐集上,採用深度訪談法輔以「訪談大綱」進行資料的蒐集,以半結構式主題分析法來詮釋蒐集的資料。研究結果發現:空服員特殊的工作性質對規劃海外自助旅行相當有利;旅行當中的體驗對空服員身、心、靈產生很大的正面影響;透過旅行增強了空服員的休閒效益;旅行後的體驗強化了空服員的工作內涵。最後根據以上研究結果針對未來的研究方法、研究對象及研究範圍提出建議,供後續研究者參考。The purpose of this study is to investigate the overseas individual travel experiences of flight attendants, and to analyze the impact of the travel experiences on their work performances after the trip. The method of this study adopted case study research; the subjects of study are five domestic and foreign well-known large airlines’ cabin chief and flight attendants. On data collection, using in-depth long term interviews supplemented by "interview outline", and using semi-structured analysis to interpret the information gathered. Research results showed that: the special characteristics of the overseas flight attendants’ work is quite favorable for planning individual travel; travel experiences made huge positive influence for the staff’ body, mind and spirit. Through overseas individual travel enhanced leisure benefits for the flight attendants, and reinforced their work performances. Finally, based on the above research findings, the author proposed some suggestions concerning the methods, subjects and scope for future research.海外自助旅行旅遊體驗休閒效益Overseas individual traveltravel experiencesleisure benefits空服員海外自助旅行體驗與休閒效益之研究A Study of Flight Attendants’Overseas Individual Travel Experiences and Leisure Benefits