蕭惠貞Hsiao, Huichen s.盧萱錡Lu, Syuan-Ci2023-12-082023-12-312023-12-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/5c745493159a2ce9e8ea5af0e61e7f96/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119040隨著媒體及網路的發展,語言演變的速度越來越快,漢語也出現許多具有極高能產性的流行構式,並逐漸受到研究者的關注(張誼生,2020)。另一方面,漢語四字格的構式特點也越來越受到重視,掌握四字格的構式義及語義限制,有助於提升語言學習的效率(劉德馨、施孟賢,2022)。「X連連」這一格式,具有四字格傾向,並展現出如流行構式般的能產性與創新性,然而與多數流行構式不同的是,X連連並非完全產生於當代,古漢語中即可見到許多「X連連」。若能研究這類沿用至今、反映古漢語語法的詞語表達,如何在現代漢語中呈現,對漢語語法的瞭解具有極高的啟示性(劉德馨等,2019)。因此本研究採用基於構式的語言觀探究X連連在形式、語義、搭配限制及功能上的特點。此外,為了更具體的說明語言現象背後的認知作用,本研究亦借助概念整合理論分析X連連構式的語義演變及創新使用。研究發現在現代漢語中,X連連構式主要有三個義項,其搭配詞X可分為七大範例類型,這些範例類型皆可從古漢語語料中找到生成理據,支持基於用法理論的範例模型。在形式方面,X連連在古漢語範例的基礎上進一步發生了宿主類型擴展與構式強迫等現象。此外,X連連構式於現代漢語的能產性的增加與新聞語體的需求與發展關係密切。由於X連連構式與「話題-評述」、「四字格」等多個極具漢語特點的圖式性構式存在多重繼承關係,因而受到現代漢語報刊語言的「青睞」。在教學應用方面,本文將研究成果結合新聞語料及語言任務,提供以構式為導向的教學設計,以期促進構式觀華語教學的發展。As technology changes and media converge, the rate of language evolution is increasing. Many popular constructions with high productivity have appeared in Chinese, which have attracted more attention from researchers (Zhang Yisheng, 2020). On the other hand, more attention has also been paid to the constructional characteristics of Chinese four-syllable expressions. Mastering the constructional meaning and semantic constraints of four-syllable expressions will enhance language learning (Liu Te-Hsin& Shih Meng-Hsien, 2022). In most cases, "X-Lianlian" appears as a four-syllable chunk and shows the productivity and creativity like most popular constructions. However, unlike most popular constructions, which emerge in modern Chinese, X-Lianlian can be seen in many ancient Chinese texts. Studying such expressions, which reflects the grammar of ancient Chinese that are still in use today, provides important insights into Chinese grammar (Liu Te-Hsin et al., 2019). The present study, therefore,examined the characteristics of X-Lianlian in terms of form, semantics, collocation constraints and functions, utilizing a construction-based approach. To explain the cognitive process behind linguistic phenomena more concretely, Conceptual Blending Theory(CBT) was also used to analyze the semantic change and novel use of X-Lianlian Construction.Results suggest that in modern Chinese, the X-Lianlian Construction has three constructional senses, and its collocation X can be divided into seven categories according to the semantics. In terms of form, X-Lianlian experienced Host-class expansion and has coercion effects to the collocation X. Both contextual factors and previous exemplars in ancient Chinese texts provide motivation for the development of X-Lainlian Construction. The increase of productivity of X-Lianlian Construction in modern Chinese is closely related to the demand and development of news register. The X-Lianlian Construction has multiple inheritance with the Topic-Comment Construction and the Four-Syllable Chunk Construction, which made it the favored expression in the modern Chinese newspaper language. Combining our findings and the previous research as reference, we offer sample instructionaldesign and our advice on educational application with the hope to help contribute to construction-based approaches to teaching Chinese as a second language.能產性構式觀分析與教學新聞語體概念整合事件強迫productivityconstruction-based approachnews registerConceptual Blending Theoryevent coercion漢語「X連連」構式的能產性與創新性研究A Usage-Based Study on Productivity and Creativity of Chinese “X-Lianlian” Constructionetd