金樹人張怡敏Yi-Min Chang2019-08-282005-8-12019-08-282005http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G00T0012004%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90483本研究旨在探討諮商師之親子關係經驗對其諮商專業的影響。研究採用「自我敘說」的方式,並以敘說研究的方法論以及「整體—內容」之分析方法來形成研究的結果。研究結果如下: 一、諮商師在親子關係的經驗有三方面,分別為「界限」、「情緒」與「找回自我」。 二、諮商師在親子關係的經驗對諮商專業的影響有三: (一)諮商師在親子關係中「界限混淆(enmeshment)的經驗」會影響其對個案產生「過於討好」或「厭惡拒絕」的反移情。 在這部份對諮商師與諮商專業提出的反思為: 1. 「自我覺察與反思」以及「接受督導」能釐清自身經驗對諮商過程的影響。2. 清楚而穩定的「諮商架構」有助於諮商師維持諮商時該有的界限並增加己身對反移情的覺察。3. 習得建立諮商架構的能力對諮商師生活中的人際關係會產生「學習遷移」之效果。 (二)諮商師在親子關係中的「情緒經驗」會增強其藉由「成為諮商師」來彌補情緒壓抑之缺憾與滿足自身人際及自我價值需求的動機。 在這部份對諮商師與諮商專業提出的反思為:1. 諮商師在童年時期與重要他人或主要照顧者的互動情緒經驗將會對諮商師的經驗有較大的影響力。2. 諮商師的「負傷經驗」是否對諮商有正向效果,端視諮商師個人對經驗轉化的能力。 (三)諮商師在親子關係中「找回真實自我的修正性經驗」會影響其對不同學派諮商理論的喜好與學習,並深化同理心與情緒反映的能力。 在這部份對諮商師與諮商專業提出的反思為:1. 人的成長是來來回回而前進的過程。2. 諮商師個人的成長經驗能增加其對個案「防衛與抗拒」的同理與接納。3. 諮商師自我成長與諮商理論的學習是相輔相成、彼此相互整合而精進的。 最後,根據研究結果進行綜合討論與反思,並提出本研究的限制與建議,以作為未來研究的參考。The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of the counselor’s parent-child relationship experiences on counseling profession. This study is based on self-narrative. The methods adopted in this thesis are based on the narrative methodology and the analysis of holistic content. The results of the study are shown as follows: 1.The experiences of the counselor’s parent-child relationship include three dimensions: “boundaries”, “emotions”, and “finding self”. 2.The effects that the experiences of the counselor’s parent-child relationship have on counseling profession include: (1)The “enmeshment boundaries ”experiences will evoke the counselor’s countertransference of “over-pleasing” or “rejection” toward the clients. The suggestions for this dimension include: a.“Self-awareness”, “self-reflection” and “being supervised” will clarify the influences of the counselor’s experiences on counseling process. b. The tenable frameworks of counseling will help the counselor keep fit boundaries during counseling process, and it also helps beware of the counselor’s countertransference. c. The ability to establish a good framework of counseling will be transferred to the interpersonal relationships of the counselor in the daily life. (2)The “emotional experiences ” will enhance the counselor’s motivations to be a counselor in order to make up for the short of emotional stroke and to fulfill the needs of interpersonal relationship and self-values. The suggestions for this dimension include: a. More influences are found in the emotional experiences of the interaction between the counselor and his/her important others in the childhood. b. Weather the “wounded experiences” of the counselor is benefit counseling depends on how the counselor makes use of them. (3) The “corrective experiences” of the counselor will influence the favor of different theories of counseling, increase empathy and enhance the ability of “reflection of feeling”. The suggestions for this dimension include: a. Self-growth is a moving process in backward and forthward ways. b. The self-growth experiences of the counselor will increase the acceptances and empathy to the defense and resistance of clients. c. The counselor’s self-growth experiences and the acquisition of counseling theories will reinforce and complete each other. Lastly, the results are summarized. Furthermore, we pose some limitations and suggestions based on our discussions and hope they could be the references of future related researches.獨生子女親子關係諮商專業敘說研究only-childparent-child relationshipcounseling professionnarrative research一個諮商師的親子關係經驗對其諮商專業影響之自我敘說研究The Self-narrative Research of the Effects of the Counselor's Parent-child Relationship Experiences on Counseling