國立臺灣師範大學教育學系鄭淑惠2014-12-022014-12-022009-12-011819-7310http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/39449「評鑑效用性」係探究評鑑功能之發揮,爲評鑑領域的重要理論之一。近年來,因應教育改革思潮以及相關政策、法令之制定,使得我國教育評鑑辦理的數量增加。在教育革新的脈絡下,評鑑如何擴大效用性,扮演促進組織學習的角色,值得重視。目前國內相關議題的研究甚少,爲了探究以教育評鑑促進組織學習的效用性,本文將分述教育評鑑效用性與組織學習的相關概念,其次,分析以教育評鑑促進組織學習的實施做法與相關因素,接著,歸納相關實徵研究結果,最後,提出綜合分析發現與建議。Evaluation use, an inquiry to how evaluation exerts effects, is one major focus of evaluation theories. In Taiwan, the number of educational evaluations has increased due to recent educational reforms and policy changes. More emphasis should be put on evaluation use, especially on the role which evaluation plays to facilitate organizational learning, in response to the needs of educational innovation. There is a lack of research in this field in Taiwan. To explore this issue, this study investigates the concepts of educational evaluation use and organizational learning. Then, the study analyzes the evaluation process to facilitate organizational learning. Furthermore, the study conducts a literature review in terms of an analytical framework. The study finally proposes conclusions and suggestions.教育評鑑  評鑑效用性  組織學習  學習導向的評鑑 Educational evaluation�valuation use�rganizational learning�earning-oriented evaluation教育評鑑的效用性促進組織學習的觀點