李佳蓉Chia-Rong Lee2019-08-122019-08-122014-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/81684潛藏於視覺影像內之視覺表徵非人人均可順利解讀,創造力也是未來世界公民重要基礎能力,更是鑑別美術資優潛能的重要指標。當今教育也不再只限於學校教育,其領域也逐漸擴及社會教育、博物館教育。因此,美術資優教育應可因應社會變遷與多元教育觀,試圖結合博物館展示,在教學中教導學生對視覺表徵解碼與建構,啟發美術資優生之優勢智能,依此來強化當今美術資優教育。故本文提出以多元智能為核心,融入博物館視覺表徵的美術資優教育,主張從兩方面來加以努力:(1)慎選蘊含符號學之視覺表徵與珍視個別智能的差異;(2)運用多元智能之教學策略與建構學生後設認知及創造能力。最後,總結相關討論,期能提供美術資優教育界參考。Visual representations can not interpret for all people successfully and is hidden in the visual images. Creativity is a basic capability for the future world's citizens to in the future and also to evaluate the art talented potential. In addition, today's education is no longer confined to school education, which extended the field to social education and museum education. Therefore, art talented education should follow social change and the multiple development of education, trying to combine the museum exhibition, and teaching students to decode and construct visual representations. It is the foundation of strengthening art talented education. The paper as the core of multiple intelligences aims to integrate museum visual representations into art talented education. There are two major approaches: (1) to choose the semiotics of visual representations carefully and to esteem the difference intelligent; and (2) to apply teaching strategies of multiple intelligences and to construct students’ “metacognitive ability” and creativity. Finally, the paper concludes with discussion and advices for art talented education.博物館視覺表徵多元智能美術資優教育museum visual representationsmultiple intelligencesart talented education融入博物館視覺表徵的美術資優教育:從多元智能理論角度探析Art Talented Education of Integrating Museum Visual Representations Based on Theory of Multiple Intelligences