簡良平Liang-Ping Jian2019-08-122019-08-122015-03-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/81979本文目的在建構教室層級實施批判識能課程,規劃納入弱勢學童的閱讀課程及實踐策略。本文從三個面向論述:一、課程目標在學童發展批判識能,包括高層次的語文識能及批判能力、能瞭解自我與發展社會識能。二、批判識能教學的原則:引導摘取文本意義、討論文本文化與自身生活經驗的差異、延伸文本世界的社會議題及發展社會意識。核心教學策略在連結學童批判觀點於閱讀:形成學童批判觀點分析文本生活世界、以批判立場透視文本社會的意識型態、利用言說分析策略重新詮釋文本世界的意義等。三、教師營造能做發學童批判意識的教室言說環境:教師教學語言取徑開放與批判的言說;形塑學童學習語言及養成學童多元文化與民主的社會意識。此課程實踐極仰賴教師轉變,包括教師相信學童潛能、採取鷹架教學策略、能反省教室言說內容、支持學童發展批判識能等條件的落實。The purpose of the paper was to argue that school teachers could make a critical literacy curriculum for all the students including the disadvantaged students at the classroom level. There were three dimensions discussed in the paper. The first one was to define the category of critical literacy and to form the goals of the curriculum which were to develop the students' high level literacy, including critical literacy, and to enlighten their critical consciousness to understand themselves and construct their social consciousness. The second dimension was to discuss the strategies of critical literacy instruction and it suggested to hold three principles: the teachers could guide the students to engage in reading and make text meanings out, to guide them to discuss the cultural difference with their life experience, and to discuss the social issues of text and to have social awareness. The core strategy of reading instruction was included three concert methods: the teachers could form the students' critical perspectives and stances to read, to insight the ideology of text context, to use discourse analysis in the process of reading and representing text meanings. The third dimension was thatthe teachers could construct the environments of classroom discourse and to change their teaching language and form the students' learning language. The most important element ofthe practical framework is the teachers' role that they believe their students and they could adopt scaffolding teaching, and plan and reflect the content of classroom discourse, and positively support their students to develop criticalliteracy.批判識能批判識能課程criticalliteracycriticalliteracy curriculum建構教室層級批判識能課程的實踐策略:連結學童批判觀點於閱讀To Construct the Practical Strategies for Critical Literacy Curriculum at the Classroom Level: Connecting the Students' Critical Perspectives to Reading