蘇宜芬Yi-Fen Su簡邦宗Pang-Tsung Chien2019-08-282008-2-272019-08-282008http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0692010055%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90850本研究目的在探討不同年齡層及不同閱讀理解能力的學生在閱讀科學文章時,其閱讀理解是否受到類比材料領域接近性的影響。 本研究透過三個實驗進行探討。實驗一以54位大學生為研究對象;實驗二以臺北縣土城市清水國小四年級、六年級以及清水中學七年級中等閱讀理解能力的學生各27名為研究對象;實驗三以清水國小六年級高閱讀能力、中閱讀能力、低閱讀能力學生各27名為研究對象。三個實驗都以類比領域接近性為受試者內變項,透過「科學文章閱讀理解實驗材料」了解實驗效果的立即效果及間隔一週後的持續效果,並採用多變項變異數分析進行統計考驗。研究結果顯示: 1.科學文章融入不同領域接近性類比不影響不同年齡組或不同閱讀理解能力組學生的閱讀理解表現,也不會因為組別的不同而有閱讀理解表現上的差異。 2.在本研究中,國中七年級中等閱讀能力與國小六年級中等閱讀能力學生閱讀科學文章的理解表現,在立即效果的選擇題方面顯著優於國小四年級中等閱讀能力學生。 3.國小六年級高閱讀能力學生在科學文章的閱讀理解表現上,於立即效果的依線索回憶題,顯著優於中閱讀能力及低閱讀能力學生;於持續效果的自由回憶及依線索回憶題,均顯著優於低閱讀能力學生。 4.國小六年級高閱讀能力組與閱讀能力相同的國中七年級中閱讀能力組在科學文章的閱讀理解表現上,立即效果方面無差異;但在持續效果的自由回憶及依線索回憶題方面,六年級高閱讀能力組顯著優於七年級中閱讀能力組。This research aims to investigate the domain adjacency effect of the analogical materials on reading comprehension when students of diverse ages and of different levels of reading comprehension ability read science texts. This research includes three experiments. In experiment 1, the participants were 54 college students. In experiment 2, participants were 27 fourth and 27 sixth graders selected from an elementary school, and 27 seventh graders selected from a junior high school in Taipei County. All of the participants had average reading comprehension ability. In experiment 3, participants were sixth graders with high, average and low reading comprehension ability. All of the participants were from the same elementary school as that in experiment 2. In the three experiments, the within subjects variables were domain adjacency, and the Revised Reading Comprehension Test was used to explore the immediate and the one-week maintenance effects. The data obtained in this study were analyzed by MANOVA. The findings were as follows. 1. Different domain adjacency analogies used in science texts did not affect the reading comprehension performance of students at different ages or students with different levels of reading comprehension ability, and the performance did not differ with different groups either. 2. In this research, the reading performance in science texts of seventh and sixth graders were significantly better than fourth graders with average reading ability in multiple choice comprehension test in the immediate measures. 3. Regarding the immediate measures, the reading performance in science texts of sixth graders with high reading ability were significantly better than those with average and low reading ability in cued recall comprehension test. As for the maintenance measures, the sixth graders with high reading ability were better than those with low reading ability in free recall and cued recall test. 4. The reading comprehension performance in science texts between the sixth graders with high reading ability and the seventh graders with the same reading ability level were not different in the immediate measures. However, in the maintenance measures, the former was better than the latter in free recall and cued recall test.類比領域接近性科學文章閱讀理解analogydomain adjacencyscience textreading comprehension類比來源與類比目標之領域接近性對科學文章閱讀理解之影響The Effects of Domain Adjacency between Analogical Source and Target on Reading Comprehension of Science Texts