郭靜姿王雅奇2019-08-282003-8-292019-08-282003http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22N2003000369%22.&%22.id.&amp;http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91948本研究旨在根據de Bono的六頂思考帽訓練課程編擬一套適合五年級資優生的思考訓練課程 ,並經由十次的實驗教學後,探討此課程對增進國小資優生問題解決能力之成效。 本研究採不等組前後測實驗設計,以立意取樣方式選取台北市碧湖國小及胡適國小五年級 資優生為樣本,其中碧湖國小十四名為實驗組,胡適國小十四名資優生為對照組,共三十 四名。實驗組學生參加十次的教學課程(每次一單元,時間為二節,每節四十分鐘),對 照組則接受原資優班之教學,無實驗處理。本研究之主要研究工具為「問題解決測驗」與 「問題解決實作題」,所得資料以單因子共變數分析進行假設考驗。 本研究主要發現如下: 一、在問題解決測驗方面: 1.實驗組與對照組在總分之差異達到顯著水準(F=8.51 , p<.05)。 2.實驗組在「解釋推論」(F=24.44,P<.05)、「猜測原因」(F=22.34,P<.05)、「逆 向原因猜測」(F=8.75,P<.05)、「決定解決方法」(F=7.87,P<.05)等分測驗前後測 得分差異之進步量達到顯著水準,而在「預防問題」(F=1.46,P>.05)分測驗差異則未達 顯著水準。 因此,本訓練課程對國小資優生問題解決能力之訓練成效頗佳。 二、在問題解決實作題目方面: 1. 實驗組與對照組在總分之差異達到顯著水準(F=19.12, p<.05)。 2. 實驗組與對照組在「界定問題」(F=1.17,P>.05)與「蒐集資料」,(F=0.68,P>.05 )兩分測驗中,並未達顯著差異,而在「應用策略以解決問題」(F=4.32,P<.05)以及「 評估問題解決方案的有效性」(F=5.09,P<.05)兩分測驗實驗組與對照組則達到顯著差異 。 三、在教學回饋問卷方面,此課程受到多數學生的肯定與喜愛。The main purposes of this study were to design a thinking training course for 5th grade gifted students bases on de Bono`s “Six Thinking Hats”, and to investigate the impacts of ten-times training course on problem solving ability of gifted students in the elementary school. An nonequivalent pretest-posttest experimental design was employed. The subjects of this study involved thirty-four students selected from Taipei Municipal Bi-Hu and Hu-Shi elementary schools.The experiment group consisting of 14 studnents from Bi-Hu elementary school attended a ten-units thinking training course.The instruments are the Test of Problem Solving(TOPS) and performance assessment of problem solving.Tthe data were analyzed by one-way ANCOVA. The major finding of this study were concluded as follows: 1.The assessment results of the Test of Problem Solving(TOPS): (1)The were significant differences between the experiment group and the matched group on total scores(F=8.51 , p<.05). (2) The were significant differences between the experiment group and the matched group in the following subtests: explaining inferences(F=24.44 , P<.05 ), determining causes(F=22.34,P<.05), negative why questions(F=8.75,P<.05 ) and determining solutions(F=7.87,P<.05). But no significant difference in the “avoiding problems” subtest(F=1.46,P>.05). Therefore, there was significant training effect on improving the problem solving ability of the experiment group. 2.The assessment results ofthe performance assessment: (1)The were significant differents between the experiment group and the matched group on total scores(F=19.12, p<.05). (2) The were significant differents between the experiment group and the matched group in the following subtests:”applying techniques to solve problems “(F=4.32,P<.05)and “evaluating effectiveness of solutions to problems” (F=5.09,P<.05).But no significant differences in the “ identifying problem” (F=1.17,P>.05) and “collecting information” (F=0. 68,P>.05)subtest. 3.The subjects reported that they enjoy the training course .資優生六頂思考帽問題解決能力六頂思考帽訓練課程對提高國小資優生問題解決能力成效之研究The Effect of “Six thinking Hats ” Training Course On Improving Problem Solving Ability of Elementary Gifted Students