陳昭儀程煒庭Wai-Tim Cheng2019-08-282008-7-172019-08-282008http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0694090152%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91821本研究旨在探討國小資優教育師生性別與師生關係等相關變項之交互作用,主要目的為:(一)探討國小資優教育之師生關係現況;(二)探討國小資優生與普通生師生關係之差異情形;(三)探討國小資優教育中,師生不同性別變項、不同教師組別之師生關係差異情形。 研究者以自編之「師生關係與性別量表」為研究工具,以台北縣市187位國小四、五、六年級資優生以及同年級的169位普通生為研究對象,以瞭解不同學生性別、教師性別、教師組別之國小資優生師生關係的差異情形。量表施測所得之資料以描述性統計及三因子變異數分析進行統計。研究結果如下: 1.國小資優生與教師之師生關係普遍屬於正向,不因教師組別(普通班、資優班)之不同而有所差異,但資優生與普通班導師的師生關係變異程度較與資優班教師大。 2.國小資優生、普通生與普通班導師之師生關係並無差異,但資優生與普通班導師的師生關係在角色期望分量表上的得分變異程度較普通生大。 3.國小資優生與普通班導師的師生關係,會因「學生性別」及「教師性別」二個因素的交互作用影響而有所差異。在普通班男性導師班上的國小男資優生之師生關係,較普通班男性導師的國小女資優生良好;在普通班女性導師班上的國小女資優生之師生關係,較身處普通班時男性導師的國小女資優生良好。 最後,根據上述之研究結果作進一步的討論,並提出實務及研究上之建議做為參考。The main focus of this study was to investigate the interaction of the teacher-student gender and relationship on gifted education at elementary schools, and to understand: (1) the current status of the teacher-student relationship on gifted education at elementary schools; (2) the differences of the teacher-student relationship between the gifted and regular students; (3) the differences of the teacher-student relationship due to the genders of teachers and students and the class groups (gifted versus regular) of teachers. A scale was designed to measure the teacher-student relationship and gender influence. A total of 187 4th to 6th grade gifted students and 169 the same grade regular students from the elementary schools in Taipei City and County were selected as the sample. Data were collected through self-designed “the teacher-student relationship and gender Scale”. Descriptive statistics, two sample t-test and multiple analysis of variance (ANOVA) were the main statistical analysis methods used for the data analysis. The results of this study were as followed: (1) The relationship between teachers and gifted students in elementary schools was positive. This relationship was not influenced by the class groups of teachers. However, the variation of the teacher-student relationship of the gifted students with the teachers of the regular classes was larger than that with the teachers of the gifted resource classes. (2) No significant differences were found in the teacher-student relationship between regular class teachers and either gifted or regular students, but the variation of the scores in the sub-scale of role-expectation for the gifted students with the teachers of the regular classes was larger than that for the regular students. (3) The teacher-student relationship between gifted students and regular class teachers was influenced by the interaction of genders of students and teachers. The relationship between male gifted students with male regular class teachers was better than that of female gifted students with male regular class teachers. Also, the relationship of female gifted students with female regular teachers was better than that with male regular class teachers.According to the results and limitations of the study, some recommendations to research and practical suggestion were made.性別師生關係結構方程模式資優生資優教師genderteacher-student relationshipstructural equation modelinggifted studentsteachers of gifted resource classes國小資優生師生關係與性別之研究A Study on the teacher-student relationship and gender of the gifted students in the elementary school