國立臺灣師範大學華語文教學系暨研究所朱我芯2014-10-302014-10-302010-10-31http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/31754本研究為兩年期整合計畫「跨國華語文化溝通教學之設計與實施--以同步視訊為主 體之數位學習研究」之子計畫二,主要負責發展視訊型態華語文化教學之教學方法與課 堂活動。本整合計畫乃以96 年度計畫「跨國華語視訊文化教學之設計、實施與評估」 (NSC 96-2524-S-003-003-)為基礎,預計將擴大與海外大學之教學合作規模,及於日、美、 德、韓等國,並致力於深化華語視訊教學之理論研究,以及發展更豐富的文化主題視訊 教材與教學設計。 由於本教學計畫之特色在於視訊教學之特殊情境、生活文化之主題教學、口語成段 表達之教學目標,本計畫因而設定之研究目的有五:1) 探求視訊教學方法;2) 發展視 訊課堂活動;3) 測量課堂氣氛以確認教學策略與課堂活動之成效;4) 比較美、德、韓 三國學生對教學策略與課堂活動之學習反應異同;5) 撰寫整合計畫之《教學指引》。為 此研究目的,本計畫所參考之語言教學理論,在文化教學方面,為「文化知識的情境化」 (Situationalization of cultural knowledge)的第二文化習得理論;在視訊口語教學方面,為 「互動語言觀」(interactional view of language)與溝通教學法(Communiction Language Teaching, CLT)之教學理念。本計畫擬結合量化與質性的研究方法,首先,以調查研究法 (survey research methods)及本計畫所暫擬之「視訊課堂活動氣氛問卷」做為研究工具, 確認本研究設計之教學活動確能營造活潑積極之視訊課堂氣氛;其次,以訪談研究法 (interview method)與觀察研究法(observational method),研究教學活動對課堂氣氛的 影響;再次,則以比較研究法(comparative research)研究合作對象的各國學生對跨文 化溝通策略及教學活動的課堂反應異同。 本計畫第一年擬完成之項目包括:1)視訊教學與華語文化教學之教學方法研究(含教 學法、教學策略、教學技巧、教學步驟等);2)各課課堂活動設計;3)與美國教學合作之 備課與授課協助;4)課堂氣氛之測量研究等。第二年擬完成之項目包括:1) 與德國、韓 國教學合作之備課與授課協助;2)跨國學生之學習反應比較;3)《教學指引》之修訂完 稿;4) 成果發表與應用推廣等。The study is the second project of the integrated project which is titled as “The Design & Implementation for Cross-cultured Communication in Chinese Language –A Videoconferencing-based e-learning Research” and has an international cooperative teaching plan with several countries including Japan, United States, German, and Korea. The study is responsible for the design of teaching methods and teaching activities for the videoconferencing-based e-learning and Chinese cultural teaching topics. Due to the integrated project features the special teaching situation of video conferencing, the specific teaching topics of daily life culture, and the target language skill of paragraph-long oral expression, the goals which the study establish are: 1) exploring the teaching method for videoconferencing-based e-learning and cross-cultured communication ; 2) developing the teaching activities; 3) measuring the classroom climate to confirm the efficiency of the teaching method and the teaching activities; 4) comparing the learning reaction between the counties with which the project cooperates with; 5) accomplishing the book of Teacher’s Guide for the integrated project. In order to accomplish the goals above, the study applies the teaching theories including “Situationalization of cultural knowledge” addressed in the field of Second Culture Acquisition (SCA), interactional view of language theory, and the Communication Language Teaching, CLT). As for the research methods, the study intend to apply survey research method, interview method, observational method, comparative research, and action research synthetically. The research results of the study promote the application and efficiency of the videoconferencing style of Chinese language instruction.視訊教學第二文化習得教學方法課堂教學活動課堂氣氛Video ConferencingTeaching MethodLearning/Teaching ActivitiesSecond Culture AcquisitionClassroom Climate/Atmosphere跨國華語文化溝通教學之設計與實施-以同步視訊為主體之數位學習研究--子計畫二:華語文化視訊教學之教學方法與課堂活動設計研究(1/2)