黃均人黃思婷2020-10-192024-12-312020-10-192019http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060591015M%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/1117661964年臺灣音樂家史惟亮與瑞士籍神父歐樂思,在波昂成立「華歐學社」(Chinese-European Study Group),此單位以推動東西文化交流為宗旨,兩人在此段合作而衍生之文物稱為「歐樂思─史惟亮檔案」,然而於1977年史惟亮過世後,歐樂思與臺灣不再有連繫,使此段歷史鮮為人知。 本研究以紀錄片的拍攝方式,回溯史惟亮與歐樂思如何透過接納和參與他人文化而產生跨國界的連結,並在過程中努力完成各自所追求的理想。再者,透過自身觀點反思保存文物之意義,進而讓觀者對此議題產生感受與省思。本論文首先爬梳史料並參考相關紀錄片,再將前述探討轉化為製作理念與規劃,並紀錄拍攝之各項作業,包含前期規劃以及後製剪接之歷程,補足無法收錄於影片的細節。In 1964, SHIH Wei-liang and Alois Osterwalder from Steyler Missinaries organized “Chinese-European Study Group” in Bonn to promote the cultural exchange with music between oriental and western. The archives derived from the cooperation are called “Alois Osterwalder Collection of the SHIH Wei-Liang Archive”. Since SHIH passed away in 1977, Alois no longer had connection with Taiwan. Therefore, it is rarely known about this history period of cultural exchange between eastern and western. This study filmed as documentary, tried to describe the history of the musical communication between Oriental and Western world, as well as the life track of SHIH and Alois. Ultimately, expects to review the significance of these histories, and bring more experience for viewers. This thesis supported by the documentary, through the detailed coverages and explanation of the motivation and concept planning, as well as pre-production and editorial process of the film.歐樂思史惟亮華歐學社東亞研究院紀錄片製作Alois OsterwalderSHIH Wei-liangChinese-European Study GroupOstasien-InstitutDocumentary來自遠方的禮物-「歐樂思–史惟亮檔案」紀錄片