賀豫(斤斤)黃雅文2014-10-272014-10-272008-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/287本研究目的旨在了解六年級小學生的壓力事件、因應方式與挫折復原力保護因子。採問卷調查法。研究對象為台北縣某國小六年級一百六十四位學生。問卷內部一致性 信度為.91,構念效度達.83。研究結果前三大壓力事件為:1.考試不好;2.作業太多;3.失去親人。壓力因應方法依序為1.聽音樂;2.努力學 習;3.出門走走或逛街;4.找好朋友聊聊;5.上網。挫折復原力保護因子總平均得分4.93分(最高7分)。同理心、有意義的價值觀、紮實解決問題可顯 著預測抗壓能力。R平方為.431。不同性別、不同居家排行、有無宗教信仰之挫折復原力保護因子總平均得分並無顯著差異。建議加強同理心、有意義的價值 觀、紮實解決問題等教育。The purposes of this research were to understand the 6th-grade students' stress life events, coping methods and resilience of protection factors. This research was conducted by questionnaire. The survey was completed by 164 6th-grade students some one of elementary in Taipei County, Taiwan. The reliability and construct validity for the questionnaire are 0.91 and 0.83, respectively. The results were: 1) the three most stressful life events were as follows:1. bad achievement scores in study, 2. too much home work, 3. losing family member. 2) The five most coping behavior were: 1. enjoy music 2. study harder 3. go for a walk or shopping 4. chating with friends 5. surfing internet. The total average score of Resilience of protection factors is 4.93 (the highest score is 7). Empathy, meaningful value, solid problem solving were significant predictors of stress-resist ability. The R square value is 0.431. Gender and ranking of all siblings and religious belief had non-significant difference in resilience score. Enhancing the educational content of empathy, meaningful value, solid problem.小學六年級學生挫折復原力因應方式壓力事件6th-grade studentsresiliencecopingstressful life events六年級學生壓力事件、因應方式與挫折復原力研究6th-grade Students' stressful Life Events, Coping Methods and Resilience-an Example of an Elementary School in Taipei County