王嘉斌Wang, Chia-Pin鍾宜蒲Chung, Yi-Pu2019-09-03不公開2019-09-032016http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060275016H%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/95621在本論文中,將提出基於QoS可調式非連續接收的省電架構,此方法能夠根據當前系統效能與預期達到的最佳效能,評估之間的距離來衡量下一個狀態欲調整的參數,進而改善整體系統的運算時間與負擔。同時,我們也以智慧型手機實驗量測網頁瀏覽、網路電話與影音串流三種類型的資料流量與電量損耗的情形。另一方面,本研究也探討並分析傳統型DRX的封包延遲與電量損耗在不同流量時的趨勢表現,並調整不同的參數變化來觀察它們之間的關係,根據使用者的需求,有效地推薦較好的參數方向,因而強化整體效能。In this paper, a power-saving architecture based on quality of service and on adjustable and discontinuous reception (DRX) was proposed. This method improved the operating time and the load of the overall system by measuring the difference between the current system performance and the expected best performance to evaluate the parameters in order to adjust for the next state. Smartphones were utilized in the experiments to measure the information flow and the power loss for web browsing, voice over Internet protocol (VoIP), and video streaming. Further, the performance trends related to packet delay and power loss at different flows in the traditional DRX were estimated and analyzed by adjusting different parameters in order to observe their relationship. According to user requirements, a good parameter direction was effectively recommended and the overall performance of the proposed method was enhanced.長期演進技術非連續接收機制裝置對裝置3GPP Long Term EvolutionDiscontinuous ReceptionDevice to DeviceD2D通訊於LTE網路中使用可調式不連續接收機制之實驗研究An Empirical DRX Adaptive Mechanism for D2D Communication Underlying LTE Network