胡益進陳鴻杰Chen Hom Jie2019-08-282011-8-232019-08-282011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0597051113%22.&%22.id.&amp;http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/87801本研究之主要目的在於瞭解馬祖地區全體國中學生飲用含糖飲料的行為,並探討背景因素、飲用知識、拒絕飲用自我效能、結果期望及社會支持與飲用含糖飲料的關係。以馬祖地區99學年度全體在學國中學生共278人為母群體,進行全面普查。問卷調查所得資料經過分析,重要結果如下: 一、 研究對象為馬祖地區全部國中學生,家庭以低社經地位者為多(父親50%、母親67%),每週零用錢以101-500 元最多(37.4%),獲取含糖飲料便利性大多數在距離住家走路5 分鐘內即有販賣含糖飲料商店,每週在外用餐數量以1-7次最多,看電視及上網時間以兩小時以內比例最高,而自覺體型部分為自認為標準者較多。 二、 研究對象之含糖飲料知識頗高,含糖飲料結果期望為中等程度,拒絕飲用含糖飲料自我效能頗佳,飲用含糖飲料的整體社會支持尚屬中等,來自老師的社會支持最高,但來自朋友/同學的支持最低。含糖飲料一週的平均飲用量為2443 ㏄,一週中都沒有飲用含糖飲料者有4%。 三、 研究對象之飲用含糖飲料行為綜合調查與自我效能有顯著差異,平均每週飲用數量則與社會支持有顯著差異,顯示自我效能較高者,其飲用含糖飲料機率則較低。 四、 研究對象之學校所屬島嶼無便利商店及飲料連鎖店者,其飲用含糖飲料數量明顯偏低,每週平均為1148cc,較整體平均少約50%;可推測飲料取得的便利性對於是否飲用含糖飲料有顯著的關係。 五、 就「拒絕飲用含糖飲料自我效能」和「含糖飲料飲用行為(綜合性調查)」而言,相關係數為-0.533且達統計上顯著水準(P值=0.000<.05) ,表示有中高度負向關連性存在。 六、 「每週購買外賣食物或在外用餐次數」、「班級」、「每週上網時數」、「飲用飲料自我效能」、「飲用飲料結果期望」、對研究對象飲用飲料行為具有預測力。其中以「飲用飲料自我效能」(β=-0.589,p<0.001)對學生飲用飲料行為之解釋力最大。 七、 「拒絕飲用含糖飲料自我效能」、「飲用含糖飲料行為」及「飲用含糖飲料數量」,會因為「平均每週外食或用餐次數」的差異而導致看法與認知及行為上的不同,且達到統計學上的顯著差異。 八、 整體飲用含糖飲料知識及社會支持與行為呈現正相關;自我效能、結果期望與飲用含糖飲料行為呈現負相關。The main purpose of this research was to understand the behavior of drinking sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) in the junior high school students in Matsu district, and goes on to study the relationship among SSBs intake, background, knowledge of consumption, self-efficacy of refusing SSBs, outcome expectancy and social support. A comprehensive survey is done by using the total 278 junior high students in the Matsu district in the 99th academic year as the population. After analyzing the information acquired in the questionnaires, the major finding were as follows: 1.The subjects were all of the junior high school students in the Matsu district. Most of the subjects were from families of lower social economic status (50% of the fathers and 67% of the mothers), have a weekly allowance from 101 to 500 NT dollars (37.4%), live in houses where stores selling SSBs were just 5-minute-walk away, dine out once to seven times per week, watch TV and search on the internet for two hours, and consider themselves with standard body shape. 2.Subjects’ knowledge of SSBs was considerable; their outcome expectation for SSBs is of medium level; self-efficacy of refusing SSBs is of high degree; general social support for SSBs intake is of medium level, with the highest support from teachers and the lowest support from friends and classmates. Weekly consumption of SSBs is 2443 cc in average. 4% of the subjects have zero intakes of SSBs. 3.The difference between the comprehensive survey of subjects’ SSBs intake behavior and self-efficacy was significant, while obvious difference was seen in weekly consumption of SSBs and social support. The result shows that the possibility for SSBs intake was lower in those with higher self-efficacy. 4.Subjects who live on the islands without convenient stores or chain stores of drinks have an obvious lower intake of SSBs. Weekly consumption of SSBs was 1148cc in average, which is 50% less than the whole. It could be speculated that SSBs availability is a key factor of SSBs intake. 5.The correlation of “self-efficacy of refusing SSBs”and “behavior of SSBs intake (comprehensive survey)”is -0.533 and is significant statistically, which shows there is medium to high level of positive correlation. 6.The weekly number of times dining out, the type of class at school, the weekly hours spent on the internet, self-efficacy of SSBs intake, and the outcome expectancy of SSBs were predictive of the behavior of SSBs intake of subjects. The most important predictor toward SSBs consumption was self-efficacy of SSBs intake (β=-0.589,p<0.001). 7.Self-efficacy of refusing SSBs, behavior of SSBs intake and the amount of SSBs intake were influenced by the weekly number of times dining out, and shows obvious statistical differences. 8.The knowledge and social support of SSBs shows positive correlation with the behavior; while self-efficacy,and outcome expectancy showed negative correlation with the behavior.含糖飲料國中生馬祖地區飲用含糖飲料sugar-sweetened beveragesjunior high school studentMatsu districtconsumption of sugar-sweetened beverages馬祖地區國中學生飲用含糖飲料行為及其影響因素之研究The sugar-sweetened beverages and its influential determinants among junior high school students in Matsu