陳學志Chen, Hsueh-Chih陳品瑜Chen, Pin-Yu2023-12-082027-07-192023-12-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/e9f79d46ed57a362ea3e1ea13fca6325/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119513本研究旨在設計一份適合國中生的幽默融入社會情緒學習課程,並了解此課程對國中生的「社會情緒能力」、「情緒調節」及「幽默因應」之影響。本研究採不等組前測後測準實驗設計,針對臺北市某國中119名學生,進行每節45分鐘,共8節的課程介入。分為實驗組59位,接受「幽默融入社會情緒學習課程」,對照組60位,接受「一般社會情緒學習課程」。成效評估以「社交技巧量表」、「情緒調節量表」、「多向度幽默感量表」及「人際因應量表」之測得分數,經統計分析後所得之資料為依據。本研究結果發現:第一,幽默融入社會情緒學習課程對國中生「社會情緒能力」之影響:能有效提升「自我肯定」及「同理心」,無法有效提升「合作」及「自我控制」。第二,幽默融入社會情緒學習課程對國中生「情緒調節」的影響:無法有效提升「認知重評」的情緒調節策略,亦無法有效降低「表達壓抑」的情緒調節策略。第三,幽默融入社會情緒學習課程對國中生「幽默因應」的影響:本課程可有效提升整體幽默感,及其中「社交情境中的幽默能力」、「幽默因應能力」、「對幽默的態度」及「笑的傾向」;然未能有效提升「幽默理解能力」及幽默創造能力。此外,在「冒犯憤怒」的情境中,本課程能有效提升「幽默回應比例」、「社會情緒回應比例」及「親和型幽默比例」;在「出糗難題類」情境中,能有效提升「幽默回應比例」、「好笑程度」及「自我貶抑型幽默比例」。本研究最後進行總結性結論,並提出具體建議,提供未來教學實務及後續相關研究參考。The purposes of this study were to design a curriculum of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) integrating humor which was suitable for junior high school students and to investigate the effects of the curriculum on students’ social emotional skills, emotional regulation, and humor coping. The design of nonequivalent pretest-posttest control group, the quasi-experiment design was applied to the study. There were 119 students in total from a junior high school in Taipei city participating in this study, 59 of which were assigned to the experimental group and 60 of which to the control group. Students in the experimental group went through curriculum of Social Emotional Learning integrating humor for 8 weeks, 45 min per week, while those in the control group accepted the traditional curriculum of Social Emotional Learning.The quantitative instruments utilized to examine the effects of this study were the Social Skills Rating System (SSRS), the Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (ERQ), the multidimensional sense of humor scale, and the scale of interpersonal coping questionnaire.The findings were presented as the followings: First, The curriculum of social emotional learning integrating humor could improve junior high school students’ self-assertion and empathy. But, it could not improve cooperation and self-control. Second, The curriculum of social emotional learning integrating humor could not improve junior high school students’ cognition reappraisal, either drop expressive suppression. Third, The curriculum of social emotional learning integrating humor could improve junior high school students’ sense of humor, and the aspects of the ability of using humor in social context, the ability of humor coping, the attitude toward humor, and the tendency to laugh. But, it could not improve the aspects of the ability of understanding of humor, and the ability of humor creativity. Furthermore, in conditions of feeling offend and angry, it could improve the rate of humor response, the rate of social emotional response, and the rate of affiliative humor response. In conditions of feeling embarrassed, it could improve rate of humor response, level of fun, and the rate of self-defeating humor response.Base on the result of the study, the researcher also discussed and provided concrete suggestions for future development of schooling and research.幽默融入課程國中生社會情緒學習情緒調節幽默因應humor-integrated curriculumjunior high school studentssocial emotional learningemotion regulationhumor coping幽默融入社會情緒學習課程對國中生社會情緒能力、情緒調節及幽默因應的影響The Influence of Social Emotional Learning Integrating Humor on Junior High School Students’ Social Emotional Skills, Emotion Regulation, and Humor Copingetd