莊翰華2014-10-272014-10-272008-05-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/23776歐洲整合自1958年已擴張5次,組成國由原本6國擴大為27國。面對二十一世紀來臨,歐洲整合的擴大在深度和廣度方面都已獲至巨大的成就,為冷戰後期區 域整合重要之參考典範。基於此,本文從歐洲整合空間演變因素、剛間演變趨勢切入,系統整理既存文獻,以為後續研究歐洲整合空間治理策略之參考。The European Integration (EI) has enlarged five times since 1958; the member sates numbers are from six to twenty-seven. This sixth enlargement for EI is not only strengthening the deepening but widening toward to 21st century. In the period of Post-Cold War, regional is one of the most important trends of international politics; European Integration is the most successful example at present. This paper tries to observe EI, the spatial change factor and spatial change trend, and objectively analyses the background, incentives, process and pattern of EI enlargement. It is also expected to stimulate extensive and in-depth understanding on EI and European are, as well as provide a research skeleton on the spatial governance strategy of the future European Integration.歐洲空間歐盟歐洲整合EuropeSpatialityEuropean unionEuropean integration歐洲整合的「空間」概念之演變Evolution of European Integrated Spatiality Concept