簡淑真Chien, Shu-Chen黃淑芬HUANG, SHU-FEN2023-12-089999-12-312023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/c98276ad03829bfb3263a89bdd18261c/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119121本研究旨在透過親子共讀幽默圖畫書,探討幼兒及家長對於幽默圖畫書的幽默反應。本研究採質性研究方法,以幼兒園中班及大班的六位幼兒與其家長為研究對象。蒐集資料方式為選取《狼寶寶》、《喔!好痛》、《大象去玩水》三本幽默圖畫書為工具,請家長在進行親子共讀活動時拍攝影片。研究者以郭書詠(2014)對於幽默圖畫書提出之13種幽默手法,就親子共讀影片中幼兒和家長對圖畫書幽默手法的反應進行分析。幼兒圖畫書的選擇及親子共讀活動錄影分析皆經三角校正程序,以提升本資料與分析結果之信效度。本研究主要研究結果如下:在確保幼兒理解圖畫書內容的基礎上,幽默反應確實與幼兒認知成熟度相關。透過13種幽默手法檢視得知,以參與研究幼兒的認知成熟狀況而言,主要接收以較為「直觀」,且與圖像相關的手法為主,如「尺寸形狀扭曲」、「特徵轉移」、「裝扮改變」、「誇張、滑稽的肢體或表情」為主。對於需要透過學習文字後才能領略的文字訊息如「字形的變化或趣味性」、「字義的變化或趣味性」、「詼諧的文字或敘述」,以及圖畫與文字綜合;認知成熟度要求較高的幽默手法如「翻頁效果」以及「情節的不連貫性」等項皆較難以掌握。此外幼兒在進行親子共讀幽默圖畫書活動時的反應,不全然來自於圖畫書的幽默內容,也與家長進行活動時的方式以及營造的氛圍相關,如「翻頁效果」需要透過家長引導,幼兒才能夠理解此幽默手法,且幼兒的幽默反應更趨向於是和家長互動,而非針對幽默圖畫書的圖像或文字。This study aims to explore the humorous responses of children and parents to humorous picture books through parent-child reading humorous picture books. This study adopts a qualitative research method, and takes six children and their parents from the middle class to the kindergarten class as the research objects. The main method of data collection is to select"Baby Wolf", "Oh! It Pains!" and "The Elephant Goes to Play in the Water" are three humorous picture books as texts, and parents are asked to shoot videos during parent-child reading activities. The researcher uses the 13 humorous techniques proposed by Guo Shuyong (2014) for humorous picture books. The analysis is based on the responses of children and parents to the humorous techniques of picture books in parent-child shared reading videos. The selection of children's picture books and the video analysis of parent-child reading activities were all subjected to triangular correction procedures to improve the reliability and validity of the data and analysis results. The main findings of this study are as follows: While ensuring that children understand the content of picture books, humorous responses are indeed related to children's cognitive maturity. Through 13 humorous techniques, it can be known that children in a relatively immature state of cognition mainly receive more "intuitive" and mainly image-related techniques, such as "size and shape distortion", "feature transfer", "dressing change", "exaggerated, funny body or expression", for those expressions that require learning words to understand text information such as "changes or interestingness of font form", "changes or interest in meaning of words", "witty words or narratives", and the synthesis of pictures and words, humorous techniques that require higher cognitive maturity such as "page flipping effect " and "plot incoherence" are more difficult to grasp. In addition, children's reactions to parent-child reading of humorous picture books do not come entirely from the humorous content of the picture books, but are also related to the way parents conduct activities and the atmosphere they create. For example, the "flipping effect" needs to be guided by parents, tobe able to understand this humorous technique, and children's humorous responses are more likely to interact with parents rather than images or words in humorous picture books.親子共讀幽默圖畫書幽默手法幽默反應parent-child readinghumorous picture bookshumorous techniqueshumorous responses親子共讀中幼兒與家長對幽默圖畫書反應之探析A study on children and parents' responses to humorous picture books during shared readingetd