國立臺灣師範大學地理學系林美慧廖學誠 2015-09-032015-09-032008-05-011019-6684http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/74705本研究是以臺北市景美溪下游作為研究範圍,透過SWOT模式及層級分析法,針對區域內河川環境教育的發展現況深入探討,並提出策略規劃。研究結果顯示,機會層面權重值最高(0.358),其中以環境教育風氣的配合、以及公部門積極推動護溪政策兩項目最獲認同;接著以優勢層面權重值次高(0.322),其中以參與的團體眾多、以及已發展出導覽活動基礎兩項目最受肯定;至於劣勢層面權重值則不高(0.201),其中以缺乏長期環境教育及監測計畫項目較受關注;權重值最低為威脅層面(0.119),其中以缺乏河川流域的整體規劃項目最受重視。本研究進一步研擬景美溪河川環境教育永續發展的策略規劃,包括三大面向:(1)教育推廣:深化環境教育內涵、提升環境行動能力;(2)組織運作:建立組織溝通平臺、營造共同學習契機;(3)外界協同:加強外界合作機制、推動流域整體規劃。The study area of this research is located in the lower Ching-Mei stream in Taipei City. we apply SWOT model and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to analyze the current development of river environmental education in the study area, and to provide strategic planning. Results show that the weighted value of opportunity is highest (0.358). Two factors in the opportunity level are most recognized in clouding the environmental education in vogue and stream-protection policy supported by government. The second higher weighted value is strength (0.322). Two factors in this level are most acknowledge including loss of participating groups and developing many routes for field trip. Moreover, the weighted value of weakness is lower (0.201), and the factor of lack of long-term projects in environmental education and monitoring is more concerned. The weighted value of threats is lowest (0.119), and the factor of lack of integrative planning for basin management is most emphasized. In addition, we also provide the strategic planning for the sustainable development of river environmental development including three dimensions: (1) education extension: deepening the contents of environmental education and promoting power of environmental action; (2) organization implementation: building platform for organization communication and creating opportunity for common learning; (3) outside collaboration: improving mechanism for outside collaboration and fulfilling integrative planning for basin management.SWOT模式層級分析法河川環境教育策略規劃SWOT modelAnalytic hierarchy processRiver environmental educationStrategic planning臺北市景美溪下游河川環境教育發展現況與策略規劃Current Development of River Environmental Education and Strategic Planning in the Lower Ching-Mei Stream, Taipei�