廖邕Liao, Yung陳淑慧CHEN, SHU-HUI2023-12-082025-12-012023-12-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/75e327103783a913822945aa13f30eea/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/118714本研究的目的在探討國營企業員工身體活動、靜態行為現況與其社會人口學關聯因素。本研究為橫斷性研究設計,研究對象為台電公司總管理處的員工,研究工具為國際身體活動量表IPAQ,於2022年2月透過SurveyCake網路問卷進行調查,以獨立樣本t檢定及單因子變異數分析,共回收有效問卷388份。主要研究結果如下:一、 「40(含)-49歲」族群的員工,「乘坐交通工具」的時間最長,然而「以走路當作休閒或運動」的時間卻最短,是最值得投入關注的族群。本研究建議對以上族群應施以衛教課程加強宣導,並落實WHO建議成年人每週從事150-200分鐘的中強度身體活動量;另為該族群進行身體適能運動管理。本研究建議未來的研究對該族群作更進一步的深度訪談。二、 台電總處員工除了60(含)歲以上族群每日靜態時間平均約5.3小時之外,其餘年齡層每日均超過6小時,而靜態時間最長的是29歲(含)以下員工,平均每日約7.8小時。針對台電員工普遍的久坐現象,本研究建議對其加強衛教課程,落實衛福部宣導:久坐傷身,不宜連續超過6小時以上;公司應提供足夠的休息時間,並設定自動提醒休息訊號,打斷員工久坐時間;另引進升降桌或具運動功能的辦公桌,並提供腳踏車以供員工租借,藉此提高員工身體活動量。The purpose of this study is to investigate the physical activity, sedentary behavior and their sociodemographic factors in the employees of government-owned enterprises. This study sub-jects are comprised of employees in the headquarter of Taiwan Power Company (so called as Taipower). This study adopts Cross- sectional research design. Subjects of this study is com-prised of employees in the Taipower Company headquarters. Research tool uses IPAQ-long form. This study is conducted via internet questionnaires during 2022 February period. The Independent samples t-test and One-way analysis of variance are used. A total number of 388 valid questionnaires were collected. Main findings and implications of this study are as follows:1. “Age 40 (included) - 49" employees spend the most time in transportation vehicles. Whereas, they allot the least time in "walking as leisure or exercise”. This age group deems the most concerns. It is suggested by this study to provide to this age group health education programs and to promote what WHO had suggested that adults should engage weekly 150-200 minutes of physical activities with moderate intensity. Additionally, their phys-ical exercise training programs can be managed. It is suggested for future studies to conduct in-depth interviews on this age group.2. Employees in the headquarters of Taipower, except age 60 (included) and above whose daily sedentary time is 5.3 hours in average, all other age groups exceed 6 hours. The longest sedentary time are with age 29 (included) and below, daily 7.8 hours in average. To tackle the issue of long sitting time occurred to Taipower em-ployees, this study suggests enhancing health education to this age group and forc-ing propaganda promoted by Health and Social Welfare Ministry that"long sitting hurts health and not to exceed 6 hours consecutively". It is recommended that Taipower Company provides its employees sufficient rest time and reminds them of rest time automatically so that their sitting time can be cut. Furthermore, it is advised Taipower to introduce height-adjustable table or desk with sports func-tions. It is also suggested that Taipower provide bicycles for employees to rent. All these efforts above are to enhance employee's physical activity amount.身體活動靜態行為社會人口學關聯因素國營企業員工Physical activitySedentary behaviorSociodemographic correlation factorsthe Employees of Government-Owned Enterprises國營企業員工身體活動、靜態行為現況與其社會人口學關聯因素-以台電總處為例Physical activity, sedentary behavior and their sociodemographic factors in the employees of government-owned enterprises - Taking the headquarter of Taiwan Power Company as an exampleetd