郭靜姿Ching-chih Kuo游璧如Bi-Ru YU2019-08-282006-3-32019-08-282006http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0591091105%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91446本研究主要目的在探討國中資優班學生在自我效能與社會支持對於情緒適應之預測,研究對象以台北市12所國中資優班學生約629人。所使用的研究工具包括「社會支持量表」、「自我效能量表」、「情緒適應量表」三種。本研究以問卷調查法蒐集資料,所得資料以平均數、標準差、單因子多變量分析、多元逐步迴歸分析等統計方法進行資料分析,研究結果如下: 一、國中資優生在自我效能、社會支持與情緒適應之表現情形: 國中資優生自我效能表現屬中上程度,其中以正向自我效能表現偏高。社會支持的來源主要為家人,支持的型態以「訊息性支持」最多。國中資優生情緒適應屬中上等程度,以「情緒覺察」方面表現最好。 二、不同性別國中資優生在自我效能、社會支持、情緒適應等變項上的差異情形: 正向自我效能無性別上的差異,負向自我效能有顯著差異,女生負向自我效能高於男生;不同對象社會支持中「同學支持」有顯著差異,女生得到支持高於男生;不同型態社會支持中「工具性支持」方面有顯著差異,女生高於男生;情緒適應方面,「情緒界限」方面有顯著差異,男生得分高於女生。 三、不同資優類別國中資優生在自我效能、社會支持、情緒適應等變項上的差異情形: 在自我效能上,各類別資優生皆有顯著差異存在;在社會支持上的差異上,「家人社會支持」方面,各資優類別間無差異存在,而同學、師長社會支持方面,各資優類別間的差異皆達顯著水準; 在情緒覺察、情緒處理方面,各類別資優生無顯著差異,在情緒界限、情緒表達方面,各類別資優生則有顯著差異存在。 四、自我效能、社會支持對國中資優生情緒適應之預測 1. 自我效能、不同對象的社會支持對情緒適應的預測關係:自我效能的兩個向度(正向、負向)及三種不同對象的社會支持(家人支持、同學支持、師長支持)與情緒適應的預測,以正向自我效能最能有效預測情緒適應。 2. 以自我效能的兩個向度(正向、負向)及三種不同型態的社會支持(訊息性支持、工具性支持、情緒性支持)為預測變項,以正向自我效能最能有效預測情緒適應。 最後,根據結論與研究心得,提出本研究的建議,做為資優教育工作者及各級學校在推展資優教育時參考及未來研究之建議。The Prediction of Self-Efficacy and Social-Support on Emotional Adjustment for Gifted and Talented Students BI-RU YU ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is focused on the prediction of self-efficacy and social-support on emotional adjustment of gifted and talented junior high school students. The research target audience is based on 629 gifted and talented students of 12 junior high schools in Taipei. The three applied tools include “Social-Support Scales”, “Self-Efficacy Scales”, and “Emotional Adjustment Scales”. This paper uses questionnaire investigation for data collection; furthermore, uses statistical calculation methods like “average”, “standard deviation”, “one-way MANOVA” and “multiple regression analysis” for data analysis. The research results are as follows: 1. The performance of gifted and talented junior high school students on “self-efficacy”, “social-support” and “emotional adjustment” is: Self-efficacy of gifted and talented junior high school students is at the junior high to high level, among which, positive self-efficacy is considerably high. The source of social-support is mainly from family. The type of support is mostly informative support. The emotional adjustment level of gifted and talented junior high school student is at the junior high to high level, among which emotional observation is the best. 2. The difference of various sex groups on “self-efficacy”, “social-support” and “emotional adjustment” is: There is no sex variation to positive self-efficacy, but there is obvious variance in negative self-efficacy. Negative self-efficacy of girls is higher than boys. There is noticeable difference in various types of social-support, where peer support for girls is higher than boys. The instrumental support for girls is apparently higher than boys. In emotional adjustment, the emotional limits of boys are scored higher than girls. 3. The effect of different gifted and talented student groups on “self-efficacy”, “social-support” and “emotional adjustment” is: On the self-efficacy of gifted and talented students, there is apparent difference among various gifted and talented student groups. On social-support level, there is no apparent difference on family social-support. However, peer and teacher social-support has reached noticeable standards among the various gifted and talented student groups. As for the emotional observation and management, there is no significant difference in the various gifted and talented student groups, but in emotional limit and expression, there exists variance among the various gifted and talented student groups. 4. The prediction of “self-efficacy” and “social-support” on emotional adjustment of junior high school gifted and talented students is: 〈1〉The prediction of self-efficacy and social-support on emotional adjustment of the different target audience is: There are two degrees of self-efficacy (positive and negative) and three types of social-support (family support, peer support, and teacher support) based on three different target audience. 〈2〉The Prediction is based on the two degrees of self-efficacy (positive and negative) and three types of social-support (informative support, instrumental support, and emotional support), among which, positive self-efficacy is the most effective prediction of emotional adjustment. Finally, this paper proposed some recommendation according to the conclusion and research report as reference for gifted and talented education workers and schools when promoting gifted and talented education.資優生自我效能社會支持情緒適應Gifted studentself-efficacysocial-supportemotional adjustment資優生自我效能與社會支持對於情緒適應之預測研究The Prediction of Self-Efficacy and Social-Support on Emotional Adjustment for Gifted and Talented Students